oh man, you should see what I found.........

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Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
I just had to post this in a separate thread.

Today I proved you cannot pass up Anything. No matter how silly it may seem at the time, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Annie and I are travelling South Australia. We are in the Barossa Valley, wine country. Miles from anything that counts, not an airport in sight. So you could imagine my uncertainty when I find a flyer in the Information centre advertising an "air museum", out in the country amidst the vineyards. So I says to myself, "Self, you just gotta go see what this is all about"! So we did. What a surprise. I also gotta tell yas, this has happened more than once in this country. Something unexpected, like the submarine in a park in Holbrook, sitting in a concrete slab at the waterline. Miles inland. Or the maritime museum with an old wood ferry used on the Sydney Harbour in drydock, the museum literally built around it.

You think you have models.......... Lincoln has a collection that has spanned many, many years. He has been building models for more years than most, and is still at it. He's got a couple of 1/48th B-25's he's about to start, because he found some real bargain cabinets to put them in. We chatted for over an hour after we went thru his Museum. He had been a pilot flying between the islands around the top end of Oz, a most interesting bloke.

From all over he has been collecting stuff from other collectors. Bits and big pieces of planes being used for spare parts. How many of you have a Canberra in the back yard, with a full size P-51 mock-up sitting next to it I ask. Lincoln does. You see just a sample of the stuff in the photos. It was magic. More than one Merlin engine, a full size, real, Viper in there as well. It just went on and on. So you just never know, if you are in the Barossa, you gotta go see Lincoln.

Just look at his wind vane!!!!!!!!!


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Nice shots Bill. I visited Lincoln's museum about 5-6 years ago, fantastic place he has there. The Mustang looks great albeit a little beat up when viewed up close.
Sweet, Bill; like Glenn, wouldn't have known the Mustang was not a Mustang.

That Canberra WH700 has an interesting history; its ex-RAF as opposed to an Aussie produced one but was used for Blue Jay (better known as Fire Streak) and Red Top infra red air to air missile trials, as well as support aircraft for Blue Steel stand off missile trials at Woomera, Sth Australia. It was also a movie star, appearing in the film "Ground Zero" as an irradiated aircraft that survived the blast from a nuclear bomb detonated at Maralinga.
Amazing. All tucked away out back amongst some vineyards as well...a Merlin 2 included an' all.
Great find Bill ! Looks like one of those places where a day passes without being noticed, as you're so busy chatting and looking, and looking and chatting!
Wow...what an awesome collection he has!!

Thanks for sharing...someday, if I ever get down that way, I'll have to make a point of stopping by this gem of a museum!

Oh, and don't let Gary see that mocked up 'Stang, or else he'll try and do that with his cockpit project!! :lol:
That Canberra WH700 has an interesting history; It was also a movie star, appearing in the film "Ground Zero" as an irradiated aircraft that survived the blast from a nuclear bomb detonated at Maralinga.

He owned at the time the movie was made, had them drop it off at his house when they were done with it. He only advertises locally. So keep it under your hat! Is only open on thurs fri and sat. Does not own a computer. Had a list of farmers and others who bought planes for parts then chased them down. Paid 800 bucks for the Canberra. I went back today and took pictures of all the shelves w/models on them. Plus some things I missed, and that was a lot. I will post some of them when I am on my puter, on my phone for this post.

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