Ohio robbery suspect asked victim for date

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Tech Sergeant
Jun 10, 2007
Lancaster, California
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio police said a suspect in a robbery was arrested when he returned to the home about two hours later to ask the victim out on a date. Police say 20-year-old Stephfon Bennett of Columbus was among three men who robbed a couple late Sunday.

Columbus police Sgt. Sean Laird said the woman recognized Bennett as one of the robbers when he returned to ask her out. She had a relative call 911.

Police said Bennett was arrested in front of the home. He was arraigned Tuesday on a charge of aggravated robbery and was being held in the Franklin County jail on $100,000 bail.

A public defender had not yet been assigned to Bennett's case.

Lol, I laugh my @ss off when I read this. What a dumb @ss.
"GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY! ...Hey, nice jugs!..ok, don't worry about the money, GIVE ME YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER!!" :)

(Great find mate! :) :) )
Heh. There's plenty of them out there! Some guy jacked another guy's truck while he was in a convenience store. The owner had left his cellphone in the truck, so after calling the cops, he called his cell. Thief answered. Owner started talking about the "sales ad" he'd seen for the truck....thief agrees to a meeting to sell the truck....and is met. By the cops and the pissed-off owner.

The prisons are FULL of dumb criminals. The smart/good ones never get caught.
What a lame-@ss...

Makes you wonder if they have even a partial grasp of reality.

Sounds like the same level of IQ as the idiot that stole a car up here recently. Cops gave chase to the blacked out car as it raced up the freeway at night, lights turned off. They would have lost sight of the car, if it weren't for the douche-bag using his turn signals to change lanes...
Or the genius who robbed a convenience store, got jumped by the cops, and took off into the nearby woods at night....cops swear they would've lost him within 10 feet, if he hadn't been wearing those cool new shoes with the lights that flashed every time he took a step.

Or the idiots that lit off a cross outside a highschool football game one night, and ran off to hide in a nearby public storage facility. Cops were already nearby to handle traffic, they came in one side of the storage facility...as the game announcer broadcast the idiots' location ("they're now hiding behind building number 12, okay they're making a break towards building 7..." etc). Never try to hide when the guy with the expensive loudspeaker system has a significant height advantage over you, and any convenient shadows that may have been cast by the lights of the storage facility are negated by the friendly orange flames of the burning cross you just lit. Took the cops about 10 minutes to corner the guys, and both sides of the stands gave a standing ovation.

Both of these incidents took place while I was in HS...I have no idea who was even playing the football game, the excitement outside was much more interesting!
:lol::lol: Nice find! Vassili and I used to have this book on the world's dumbest criminals. In one of the stories, a robber had broken into a toy store, stolen the cash out of the registers. He would've have gotten away with it, except he found a working train set of the one that he wanted when he was a kid. He started playing with it, and he got so engrossed with the train set, that he failed to see to two cops behind him that had responded to the alarm.

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