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I remember seeing a picture from the air of this spitfire, and read that it was used for a movie prop or something like that. I knew it was a fake, and there are more photos online as well if you google crashed spitfire.
Could be one from the movie 'Pearl Harbour', or the late 1980s TV series 'Piece of Cake'. As far as I know, all the replicas from the BoB movie which survived found homes. Just strange that a MkIX is painted in a 1941 colour scheme.
Just strange that a MkIX is painted in a 1941 colour scheme.

Its a phenomenon that is fostered upon the general public. Off-topic but similar......

Just this week I was flicking through channels on the radio. For some strange reason, I listen to talk shows in my old age. As I passed one station, I could hear it was a talk show. I stopped. They were talking about Formica (it was a home improvement show) and they had a representative from a Formica company speaking. To show how great the company was, she stated that her company even made Formica parts during WWII - in fact there were 84 Formica parts that they made for the "Mustang bomber".

I about ran off the road.
Ah, you mean those Mustang tank-busters in 78th FG colours, portrayed around June 8th, 1944 - when the 78th still had P-47s ......
Going back to the original topic - I can understand having an airworthy MkIX painted in, for example, a BoB scheme or one similar to replica depicted, perhaps as a dedication, or anniversary, or for movie or TV work. But a glass-fibre replica? If going to the trouble and expense of obtaining a replica, then why not have it in a scheme to suit the Mark, or the opposite, a Mark to suit a chosen scheme?
Ah well, it's 'their'' replica I suppose.
If I win the lottery, my aim is to have a Spit and a '109 replica in front of the house!
Oh, and a sign stating that intruders, salesmen, junk-mail deliverers, and Politicians entering the boundary of the premises will be shot on sight!

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