P-51 Mustang III - Vasilios Vassiliades - 'Vass' (1920-1945)

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Good evening guys, after a month full of surprises, good and bad, here i am with a little update. Main job after the previous one was the main wheel well. This is what Vector gives

After the main and detail painting and wash...

After that i continue with rescribing mainly the downside of the fuselage. There i had to deal with a ghost seem that refused to disappear. Finally after a lot of sanding and putting i think i managed it. I glued the well, assembled the wings, left it to rest a little and after the sanding procedure this is what i got.

It was time for the landing light to deal with as well as the machine guns and mussels.

I put some detail in the rear wheel well from Quickboost...

i placed the gun sight ...

And finally i glued and painted the wind shield as well as the rear windows. In the big photo you can see the small antenna detail i put on the fuselage.

That all for now, waiting for your comments.

Good evening guys (here is 16:00), after a short period i am happy to present you a small update.
We had stopped here...

Well medium sea grey and ocean grey from white ensign were painted ...

...lots of measuring, masking to paint the white of the invasion stripes after i had placed a mask from frisket film on the place where the insignia is going to be painted

After that again measuring, masking in order to paint the sky stripe as well as the black of the invasion stripes...

Same procedure for the flaps and finally i also present you the L/G doors, spinner and propellers.

Thats all for now folks, i will give her some time to rest before i continue with the Dark Green etc. etc...
I wish you a beautiful Sunday and a happy upcoming week.


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