P-51D Merlin's Magic 1/48

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Since you are scratch building many parts I thought this might help. I had posted this on another thread but I think it may help you with your build.

"There is a formula that should help you find the scale to match what you have. Something called a conversion factor.

CF = Kit measurement in mm / Photo or drawing measurement in mm or CF = KM / PM.

It's normally used for those who scratch build parts.

Measure in mm your model kit.

Then measure the same measurements from a photo in mm. Plug both numbers into the formula and round your answer to one or two decimal places. Then plug your answer into this formula

CF x PM = KM This should give you the right measurement in mm how big something should be to scale on your work. Hope this helps. "

Found this in a how to modeling book.
I am guessing now I did this just to prove I could! coz now that I have done it, it is not practical because a plastic axle just won't handle the load. If I could just cast a white metal tail wheel piece. I don't think this would be very practical either, but wouldn't it be great! A Real tail wheel assy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just think of it. Geez I'm losing my marble. cheers, Bill bugger, that should be trim to 1.5mm!!!!!!!!!


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I guess I like to experiment, work outside the box so to speak. I got my cockpit Airies detail kit, how nice is it!!!! Also my True Detail seats, they are more to scale than even the Airies. I chopped away some of the sidewall equipment that has been removed in the MM plane and added a radio box to the starboard side and box to the port side, they are in white styrene. I have fitted the pilot seat and the rear seat is fastened directly to the floor, kinda like sitting in an old Corvette. I will have to start painting soon. I think this is a big improvement on trying to scratch build such small parts in this scale. But then, I have to see my limits by doing. Yes?

The top picture shows what I had done, and why I chose the aftermarket direction. Bottom of course is installed.

cheers, Bill


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Just an update, to assure everyone I am still plugging away as time allows. I now have my Alclad paints. I have finished the side panels in the cockpit and painted them white. The radio panels are gray. The seats are fitted. the wingtips are finished and have made molds of them. the gun bay door seams are filled and smoothed as are some of the wing panels. Just been working off and on and wife on Easter holiday so time is not there. I have done the exterior painting on my 1/72nd F6F and have stalled on the decal prep. I am happy with what I have done so far and want the bloody thing done now! cheers, Bill. Please bear with me.
A year!!!!!!!!!!!!! A bloody sh!t year since I have posted.......... No wonder my wife gives me the evil eye over this one........
Since the last GB entries have finished I have gone back on Magic. The cockpit is pretty much done as good as it is gonna get. I may be able to button the fuselage up soon. There are a couple of little things I wish fit better. But then who will know.


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Nice to see you back in the saddle on this one. Hope it won't be another year, though...:rolleyes:

Thanks Gerry and all the others for looking back in on this one.

I hope it wont be another year.............. I made up the PE rudder peddles just this evening. Painted the radiators, tyres. So more progress already.
Put PE peddles in last night. Will have some photos when I button up the fuselage.

Have to do the belts, and put cushions on the seat bottoms. Stu has plywood under foot in the drivers seat. Don't exactly know how the shoulder belt is fastened off behind the seat. Took the bulky stick out, didn't see the resin one from the cockpit set until after I put the big one in, looks mucho better. The underside of the plane is Painted silver gray. All the upper surfaces are polished aluminum. Still have a way to go.
Here is the latest in pictures. Seat belts and seats installed. And first real dry fit of gear, flaps, rudder, elevators. I'm also sending these pictures to Jim Eberhardt just to show him his crew chief didn't waste his time taking interior pictures for me.


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