P-51D Merlin's Magic 1/48

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Thanks for the encouragement, means a lot to an old bloke.
Got the fuselage halves together............ and wouldn't you know............... a big a$$ thumb print of glue one one side.......... WTF!!!!!!!!!!!

I just hope I can finish it off and not be too noticeable. I just won't photograph That side. Nose, under the exhaust, starboard side, damn.
I have been filling all the gaps in the seams, photos when I get it sanded down.
Been picking away at it when I can. The massive thumb print came out okay. Had to fill some seams and scribe some panel lines. Used my trusty old Dymo tape and an old air brush needle. Some photos.


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Well........ This is the one!!!!

Since I can't FINISH my Corsair till I get the decals sorted I have taken MM out of Storage and didn't realize how far along I was!
So I done painted the prop and the rudder this morning. Last night I stuck the horiz stabs on as well as making a new radiator exhaust door. Stu had lengthened it when the fuselage was rebuilt after the oxy bottle explosion. Filling some of the little pits here and there. Stuck the radiator intake and oil cooler intake nose pieces on. Cleaned up some of the panel lines. I may be able to paint the overall soon! Wahoo.

Feels good to get back on to this one.


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Thanks for the positive comments. They are appreciated.

Wings are attached. Now I'm gonna see if I can get a can of TS spray in grey as the wings are painted, just as they were in WWII. Besides the paint coat is very thin and you don't lose panel lines like you do with acrylic colors. Gear and inside of the wheel doors is white. Fuselage is polished aluminum. Wing tips, fore and aft are painted red like the spinner.

No real pictures.
till today......
Painted the wings grey, used Tamiya AS spray light grey............. and TS spray red, worked a bloody treat mate!!!!!


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I'm just now sending these couple of pictures off to Jim.
And the cockpit parts of the 32nd scale.

I sure thank everyone who is checking in on this one.


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Just thought I would drop these on. Stretching spru was the clue for me to try and do custom knobs on a panel. I tried everything, gluing on PVC, punched dots. Then got this idea.

Drilled holes, stretched spru and pulled it thru from the backside. As long as the hole is the proper size of the knob, the stretched spru will only go thru to That size! So all the knob diameters will be the same, no matter how thin the spru is stretched. If it pulls thru, just stretch another piece.

Then just add a drop of glue from the back, so as not to muddle up the front. When dry I timmed off the back flush, then the front a little longer than the knob would be. Then carefully filed them down to the finished length. Easy peasy!

If you have PVC the size you need, then just drill the hole accordingly. But the method above, you can make toggle switches!!!! Just touch the end of the trimmed spru with a hot knife!


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