P-51D Merlin's Magic 1/48

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All but done. I went to put the gear doors on and the rod to push the doors open is just a tad long. I'm having to cut it down a bit so it looks natural in the leak down position. I still have to put a clear over the decals and will do that in the next day or two. So heeeeeears Merlin's Magic. Mine on top, the real deal below.

***Man, just noticed the black on the nose is wrong. Annnnnd, I gotta put the exhaust stack in.... Doh!


  • MM48 8.jpg
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  • MM48 8b.jpg
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Thanks guys, much appreciated the nice comments. As I said, this one is close to me old heart as I did the nose art on this plane more than twenty years ago when I was sign painting in Livermore CA. The plane has just last year been retired from racing. Stu and Marilyn are just the greatest people.

Things done to this plane;
Wings clipped, at the seam about 30" in from the tips. Fence wing tips scratch built. Wing panels changed, no gun bays or shell ejector chutes underside, panel lines changed. Gun ports removed, smoothed over. Trim tab removed from rudder. Radiator exhaust door lengthened. Radio gear area cleaned out, back seat fabricated to replicate seat and cushion and added. Pilot seat fabricated to replicate seat in MM. Starboard inside cockpit changed to replicate radio set-up, port wall changed to replicate changes in MM. Instrument panel too small to fiddle with to duplicate MM panel. !/32nd version has been changed with scratch punched panel. Decals are by Draw Decals, already on the market for all three scales. Decals trimmed as close as possible as the edges show up massive on this Silver Leaf color. Decals on the rudder are a bit off in scale and spacing, but look great.

Wait a minute...... Glenn Gerry, isn't that an ice cream?????

Thank you as well Jerry.
Maybe Glenn GerryJerry! Do you think we're on to something??

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