Password Change

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Southern New Jersey
When I tried to log-in today it said my password was over 180 days old and I need a new one. Its the same one I've had for 4 years. Any reason why this is happening? I try not to use the cookie feature but now I hope I remember my new password!
I see. To be honest I don't remember if this had happened to me before . But since I became a Mod it has occured a couple of times. Just every 180 days.
Password changes are required for mods and admins as a security measure and it also helps when one of the staff decides to stop visiting. If someone suddenly shows up after 6 months/a year or more, there is a chance that it may not be who we think they are. Plus it also helps when a computer changes hands (sold, stolen, etc). There are a number of things that could happen.

I have so many passwords for banking, e-mails, websites, work stiff, etc that I have a hard time keeping track of it all. I use a program called Password Safe at work, and I used to use Whisper at home, but now I just use the keychain on the MAC. Password Management software is a good thing.

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