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Beautifully done Boats... I do have a question. I looked over your thread and was wondering how you did the sheeting. Did you fill each of the squares with balsa sheeting separately or cover them in sections? I'm currently working on the Guillows P-51 kit 405 with the 27 1/2" wingspan. I have the basic structure built but am not sure the best way to sheet it. I have 1/32" balsa sheets and am leaning toward putting them on like they do for R/C aircraft. Do you have any tips? I'm still very new at this.

Ahoy night fighter Nut
I fill in between the stringer and formers with balsa it is an option in how to skin the sheeting only problem with the skinning if you choose sheet over the stringers and former with balsa will effect fit of construction making the model over size unless you trim the former undersize to compicate the 1/16th sheeting The best way is to fill in between the stringers and formers and use a filler to fill in any gaps prime the model and finish off with the final paint schedule.

Man oh man, fantastic work Boats!!!

One very minor question... shouldn't the rudder stencilling read PBY-5A?

Ahoy A4K

thank you for your reply yes sir you are correct, I noticed that when i first appplied the decal I have a set of microscale letter decals I will add the 5s at the rear of PBY-5 thanks my man for the reply I will get that squared away.

thank you fubar for your reply I am again honored to you and the other fellows. Okay guys back to the build as of now I am skinninjg the wing the skins will go back as far as shown on the photos, You will notice on the full size aircraft at the trailing edge its fabric covered this is how i am trreating the wing. Iwill have this done tomorrow sometime. I enclosed my Flymodel card model of the PBY hanging high thanks fellas.



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Must not start on a Catalina, got things to finish....
Must not start on a Catalina, got things to finish....
Must not start on a Catalina, got things to finish....
Must not start on a Catalina, got things to finish....
Must not start on a Catalina, got things to finish....
thanks fellas for all of your replies Lucky13 finish up on your plate and get your black cat started like old Snuffy smith use to say TIME,S A WASTIN. You will have the other projects done in no time. Boats

Okat gang here is the straight dope, got the intire wing sheeted from midsection to the leading edge as the real PBY had the trailing sections is doped canvas copvering I will add extra ribs in between each and every rib previously installed as per kit build. While the wing is drying i am working on the wing float assembly and the float wells i will make the wing floats opperable. If the good lord is willing and the rivers dont rise toim orrow i will start the final covering of the wing useing silkspan tissue. Then lastly the engine nacelles assembl;y will follow.



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thanks man for your reply yep retractable wingfloats Okay here is the last update for the night got the wing all sanded down applied 8 coats of clear dope the intire house smells like banana oil my wonderfull first lady says this place needs fumeigating LOLllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll The smell of Areo gloss dope is victory for me. Well enough of this nonsense bacxkj at the build here on the photos
i hyave constructed the wingfloat asseblies and I added the float well wells useing cardstock . The intire unit retracts very well tomorrow i will add the linkage and do some touching up in the float wells a little filler here and there. When i get the wigfloats all fin ished i will add the extra wing ribs at the end of the sheeting to the trailing edge tomorrow evenjing i will start the cover job and turn too on the engine nacelles I should have this build completed by this weeks end and start another.



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