Political Parties: Support or Defend Your Political Affiliations

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I am often reminded of the old saying "The world is full of educated derelicts". I have known highly educated people that couldn't apply that knowledge as well as people that had no college whatsoever that were real sharp. A college degree may help you get a foot in the door, depending on your vocation, but the rest is still up to the individual.

Good post from Canada eh? I agree with all you have posted except perhaps for the term limits, I think sometimes an old experienced fool is better than a naive new fool...

Interesting how a right-winger in Canada can be accused of being a "lefty" in the US. {been there}

Can't argue with much there Pb. But the free health care I don't see as working in the US. Besides the GI bill, I know of no government social entitlement program that has ever worked.

Wake up smell the coffee Njaco, you already HAVE free health care, just a very disorganized, inefficient wasteful one. The elderly the poor are covered under medicare/medicade. Those workers illegals who don't have health care just use the emergency room as their health care provider. The hospital cannot refuse emergency care, and can't collect the bill if the person has no money or is a Mexican citizen - guess who ends up covering the cost? So a poor/undocumented person can't take his kid in to treat an inflamed appendix, he has to wait until it ruptures so that he can call an ambulance to take the screaming kid to the hospital.

I want the absolute best that money can buy, and I pay for it (a lot). My family don't have "good" doctors, they have the best ones that are available.

The best system would be a mix of Canada's the USA's system, where everyone could use the basic system, or, as Eric chooses, to pay for the best care. Same as schools, send your kid to the public school or pay for the best private, if you wish. The big problem that we have in Canada is that the far left up here {the N.D.P.} have blocked the option of allowing people who can afford it to pay for private care, which has forced them {and the best doctors} into the US where they can legally be treated. You can pay to take you cat to the best vet, but not your kid.

On the other hand, I have heard too many horror stories from the US, if an ordinary working guy is among the 4 or 5% of people with a kid or family member who has a severe disability, a traumatic accident, etc, they suddenly find that their company plan or HMO has just decided that the treatment isn't covered. Ends up wiping out his life savings. Like losing in the lottery from hell.

Best system IMO, everyone {legally in the country!} would pay a small amount yearly get basic coverage, if you want to pay for premium coverage, you can choose to pay for it.
What you can't pay for a doctor, thats retarded mate.
Personally i think there should be a limit on how much lawyers earn.
And taxes Australia is one of the most taxed nations in the world.
Goverment Stamp Tax (is it Stamp i'm not sure might be something else) or G.S.T as it it usually known by affects nearly everything we buy. In other words i buy a loaf of bread for 3 bucks two bucks 80 goes to the shop and the goverment gets the other 20 cents.
and Stamp duty don't even get me started on that..
The argument that because we allegedly already have socialised medicine in the form of our locally funded hospitals, advanced mainly by someone who is not even a US citizen, does not hold water with me. It is like saying,"if rape is inevitable, lie back and enjoy it." A lot of that info about illegals crowding our public hospitals is anecdotal and the problems of our public hospitals can and should be handled on a local basis. Surely it is true that the indigent sometimes crowd our hospital emergency rooms but they have to wait an inordinate amount of time which discourages them from going for minor ailments. To create a gigantic, money hungry federal program such as national health care to replace our current system is idiocy. Remember also that all this squalling about the 47M uninsured(where does that number come from, how do they know) is mainly political BS. The dimocrats think that they can garner votes from people who get hysterical about all these people who are dying for lack of health care. The fact is that rich folks, regardless of the system, can always get better health care than the rest of us. "The big uns are always going to eat the little uns." If illegals are crowding our hospitals, the solution is to deal with illegal immigration, not national health care.

Good post - spot on for the most part Jug.
What you can't pay for a doctor, thats retarded mate.

Yep, that would be my analysis too.

Goverment Stamp Tax (is it Stamp i'm not sure might be something else) or G.S.T as it it usually known by

Probably Goods Services Tax, that's what we have here in Canada.

The argument that because we allegedly already have socialised medicine in the form of our locally funded hospitals, advanced mainly by someone who is not even a US citizen,

Sorry??? I've lived worked in the USA {legally I might add}, and used medical care in the US, not to mention I know dozens if not hundreds of US residents who I've worked with {and my church is in Wash. state} so I have a fairly good idea what I'm talking about.

I think the point was also made by Eric as well, who I suspect is probably a US citizen. The fact that the illegal aliens get health care while the working poor often don't makes even less sense.

A lot of that info about illegals crowding our public hospitals is anecdotal

If you think the problem of Illegals is just "anecdotal" you should visit the border areas of Texas where it is a huge problem, not just for hospitals, but schools and other public sevices as well. Eric probably sees a similar problem in California too.

the problems of our public hospitals can and should be handled on a local basis.

"Handled on a local basis" just means that you are dumping the financial burden on the local hospital, hardly a good solution. The cost is passed on to paying citizens by higher rates, or else it degrades the quality of health care.

"Handled on a local basis" also means that if a hospital in a border region cannot survive financially because of the overload of illegals, and closes it's doors. Is that a solution?

So if you are a millionaire you have no problems, your doctor comes to you. If you are an average working guy you will have to pay more your family gets lesser care because the local hospital that YOU PAY FOR is legally mandated to give care to illegals

Surely it is true that the indigent sometimes crowd our hospital emergency rooms but they have to wait an inordinate amount of time which discourages them from going for minor ailments.

Yes, and it also means that the ordinary guy has to wait for hours for his care, as emergency wait times are not determined by coverage status. So if Njaco takes his kid in with a busted finger and 5 illegals are then wheeled in with emergencies, - guess what - Njaco's kid is now 6th in line.

{Sorry to use you as an example Njaco, I hope your kid does not bust a finger! }

To create a gigantic, money hungry federal program such as national health care to replace our current system is idiocy.

I don't know, it would seem to make sense to have a program where the working poor can get coverage for a reasonable price, which is exactly what we have in Canada

If illegals are crowding our hospitals, the solution is to deal with illegal immigration.

That would be a good place to start.
Did I just hear Barack say that he wants to take the oil companies profits and make these private companies provide monetary handouts to US citizens? Did I hear that right!?! And huge audiences were applauding for Godsake.

Is that what happened in Venezuela, Iran, etc? What is happening here!!
Found an ad where he supports "Windfall profit penalties".

Huh? Isn't that liberalspeak for taking your money if you are deemed too profitable. Who makes that decision? Obama?
Yes Matt, seems he wants to "give" the Citizens of the US another Economic Stimulus check paid for by the Oil Companies profits. Think kind of talk frightens me to no end. No matter what you think of the large Oil Companies (remember that the US Government makes huge monitary gains from taxes imposed on Oil Companies) the idea of a Government agengy making a determination of what are excessive profits should scare anyone in a free society.
Who is going to make the determination and how much is excessive? Once this would be established who would be next?
John McCain also supports Windfall Profit taxes,maybe not on the same level as Mr.Obamo but it still is a scary concept. Remember Jimmy Carter? He had the many of the same ideas as Mr. Obama does when it comes to dealing with Energy and look where we were in the late 70's.
Take from business and redistribute to the rest. Everybody is equal, everybody gets no more, no less.

What a novel idea. Wonder why no goverment decided to try that before, huh?

Do the liberal members now understand why the rest of us are scared if he makes prez?
Yep, take more taxes away from those nasty oil companies. The problem is that those companies are us! I really don't think that the dimocrat's idea of taxing the oils more is going to gain them any points with the majority of the public. On the subject of national health care again here are some interesting questions I never hear the answers to. The estimate is that 10M to 20M illegals are in the country. Are they in the 47M who supposedly are uninsured? Another question is: Since 1970 one person households have increased from 17% of the total to 27%. The vast majority of these single person households are GenXers. These are upwardly mobil relatively affluent young people many of whom, as I did when I was that age, do not feel they need med insurance. Some of that 27% are elderly people who live alone. The population of the US is around 300M. The average household size is 2.57 people. 300M divided by 2.57 yields 116.7M households. If 27% are one person either GenX or elderly that is around 31.5M people. I wonder how many of those GenXers are among the alleged 47M uninsured. My bet is that a lot of them are.
Renrich those are all good questions and for sure a good post. I think all of us (at least those who worked) when we were young would admit that health insurance ranked right below "enough salsa in the fridge". And just as I am continually pointed out ( ), the percentages of non-insured are subject to the details.
Irrespective, Pb, it IS embarrassing. And I only blame the voters of the US. For they have the power and choose to sit on their laurels.
I really don't give a crap about older people but at least every kid should be given the option of good health irrespective of there families lot in life
I don't know a better line for this other then
"except for the grace of god that could be me"
I sat in emergency here and a kid came in from the US with a bad cut his health care provider would not pay for medical work outside of the US so our guys fixed him up enough so that he could cross the border to go to a US hospital , there are many clauses and riders in the various health care plans that many aren't aware of how much and where they can obtain treatment
Pb, I find it hard to believe that a YOUNG US citizen was unable to find ANY healthcare in a timely fashion.

I would have to ask the specifics of the case. Because that is just extraordinary.
I would like to ask all the backers of McCain here (or atleast the anti-Obama's) to state the points of what will happen (+consequences) when/if he takes office that wouldn't happen when/if McCain takes office. Will be interesting to view 4 years from now?
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