Politics section to be closed permanently

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Good decision! One of the reasons I encouraged Facebook was so people could get their "social fix" somewhere else.

Dont discourage discussion of other history eras though! I'll be pissed!


Presumably discussion of politics only applies to those polititians not already dead.
Freebird, did you mean

"Presumable discussion of politics only applies to politicians that are currently living"?

The answer is no. Discussion of polics in any format other than posts #1, #2 or #3 of this thread will invoke the Mod's wrath.
Gracias a Dios! Like BombTaxi, I myself have become involved in some political flamefests against my better judgment.

I was not here when this decision was made, but I 100% stand by what fellow mods have decided. I used to be for the Politics section because I thought it would take away from the hijacking of the really important threads on this forum, i.e. Aviation and WW2 threads.

It did not do that however, and I am sick of the politics threads.

If it carries over to Aviation threads or WW2 threads, bannings will occur. I am tired of the bullshit, as are my fellow mods!
I'm alright with it. The political threads could get pretty heated.

Um, does that mean if you are talking about a war leader, say Winston Churchill or Abe Lincoln, you should just stick to their decisions regarding a war, and stay away from their political history not related to that?

If it is WW2 or Aviation related it will more than likely be allowed. What will not be allowed is the political discussions that have led to flaming and so forth.
I... um.... just found this thread and being trying to figure out why I couldn't post in the politics section for almost twenty minutes

I also apologize for starting that Obama's 100 days thread
I have never considered talking politics "bullshit" as much as I considered politics to be "bullshit". I for one will miss the politics section but I suppose I would be in the minority on that one.

Yeah, me too.

But hey, it's a nice place here, so whatever float the mods' boat.

On a side note, does that new "forum law" also concern the politic-ish/news/religion threads posted in the Misc./Off-topic Section ? Just wondering...
I have never considered talking politics "bullshit" as much as I considered politics to be "bullshit". I for one will miss the politics section but I suppose I would be in the minority on that one.

I will miss it also...But it is probably for the better.
I have never considered talking politics "bullshit" as much as I considered politics to be "bullshit". I for one will miss the politics section but I suppose I would be in the minority on that one.

No Amsel, you will not be in the minority. Us Mods also were participants in the politics threads. You must remember that the Mods must troll all threads in the forum to ensure spammers and internet juveniles don't hijack the forum. In many cases, we are not participants but rather policeman. In many cases we too injected our politics. And that bothered us as much as member positions contrary to our own. I'm personally guilty of this.

Historically the forum did not have a political sub-forum. Originally politics were discussed immersed in aviation topics. And those topics became derailed because of the politics and personal agendas. The Mods at that time decided to create a Politics Sub-Forum. And now that too has proven unacceptable. We have come full circle.

This is not a rash decision by the Mods. We have cussed and discussed this for the last 9 months or so. I can tell you that the Mods have a short trigger on this issue. And many members (some with extensive forum history) have recently been banned over this topic. You don't want that to be you.

Let's refocus ourselves to the forums objectives. If you (a Forum member) personally have concerns, feel free to Private Message any of the Mods.
The discussion of two things was considered 'taboo' in the military (British, anyway), Religion and Politics. Consequently, I have never even looked in the Politics section of the forum. I joined this excellent forum because of it's title; 'World War Two Aircraft', and therefore wholeheartedly welcome anything that will help concentrate on this subject, and the subjects, involving military and aviation, related to it. Personlly, I've had enough of politics being rammed down my throat in day to day life, so thank you, all the mods, for preventing the possibility of even more exposure.
Freebird, did you mean

"Presumable discussion of politics only applies to politicians that are currently living"?

The answer is no. Discussion of polics in any format other than posts #1, #2 or #3 of this thread will invoke the Mod's wrath.

If it is WW2 or Aviation related it will more than likely be allowed. What will not be allowed is the political discussions that have led to flaming and so forth.

That's what I was meaning Matt, politics as relates to War policy or something
well, I think its sad reflection on all of us that we lacked the maturity and tolerance to be able to discuss political issues openly and tolerantly. Its a sad lesson for all of us I think
Parsifal, a majority of the users here were tolerant and respectful. Unfortunately, there were some people who came here only looking to post in that section and/or stirring up trouble. We did not want the politics section of the website to derail what this was set up for.

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