Post a Pic of Your Work Station/Computer Desk...

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sorry no weed. I have an even better signed Clint Eastwood poster hanging framed on my lounge room wall. It looks awesome! I'd post a pic but my camera and computer aren't talking to each other again.

Ok...NOW I understand why the desk was cleaned and re-arranged. **rubs chin**

Little say??? NOW, I have to go beat one of the kids.. can't have double-agent spies running around the house.
LIKE the plants!! Great spot for the ficus..i'd bet it loves it there. I'm suprised it hasn't gotten pissy on you for planting something else in its pot...they always seem to be 'loners'.

Is that a weiss beer?
13 years of bartending I started out in an Americanized version of a German Beirhall. It was a blast. 78 taps of different varieties. I'm more of a lager or bock kinda gal. Les can have my weiss! I'd need a WHOLE lemon to drink it. lol
I did not know that either. Thank you. Never really studied up on them, have just always had them growing about.

and funny, Grandmother had a fig growing in her garden, too..never made the connection. I think I might be blonde by proxy.

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