Post models that aren't yours !

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I'm thinking maybe I should start a thread entitled "EBay Nightmares" For your viewing dis-pleasure....

ebay nightmares.jpg, from what I've found, code "K1" is 'K' Flight 1 Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit, R.A.F.. (K Flight 1 AACU, RAF Cleave 26/8/40 - 6/9/40). There is sort of a disclaimer attached...

ebay nightmares1.jpg

Curious as to how I can be called a "semi-pro"

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For the Princely sum of 75.15$CAN, you can be the proud owner of this...


...I don't seek these out. When I go on eBay a couple times a day, I only look at the first page and then close it. These just seem to pop up.

Gentlemen, it's clearly a travesty to see these "Models" built to such a poor finish. It makes me feel quite ill looking.
Gentlemen, it's clearly a travesty to see these "Models" built to such a poor finish. It makes me feel quite ill looking.

One of the reasons I posted these on here was to show what people are trying to charge for these monstrosities. I've seen Brett Green of sell his for hundreds and there are several here who could do so as well but they would be well worth it..


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