Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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lesofprimus said:
Dude, if u lost 52 pounds, u were more than alittle overweight.... U were a fat-as*.... Needless to say, congratulations on losing the weight.... Makes those 5 mile runs alot easier dont it??

Oh, wait a minute, u Reserve guys dont run, u skip...
Here is a new one fro me for the mugshots, taken yesterday.


  • flight06.jpg
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Thanks. There are benefits to volunteering at the CAF. I just wish I could do that more often. But with the price of gas and all, it's not cheap. I got this one to celebrate my birthday and the CAF was cool enough to gratis me this one.
Thanks NS. Yes, Adler, when the opportunity arises, I will probably jump at it. Although I have been told that I am being specifically requested for the next air-to-air photo shoot. 8)
ahoj. this is me Kulís on tank T 72. :)


  • kultank1.jpg
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  • kultank2.jpg
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