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I haven't yet figured how to post photos but you can see some of my model collection at .Look under my models album.

That's an amazing collection you have there! Thanks for sharing! Any chance we could get some close-ups of those Japanese Kates, Jills, or Graces?

R.e. the Sptifre, it was painted in Tamiya Sky (XF-21). I can't make my mind up on it; in some lights or angles it looks right, in others it doesn't! Those pictures were taken in direct sunlight, and the flash went off on the top view one, so the pictures make it look lighter than it actually is. The rear band is a decal, which I agree does look very green, but the instructions specified it was a different shade to the underside. I couldn't find any good colour photos of that Squadron (601 irrc) so went with the box
Here I am back! Currently, I don't have that much time to be involed in kits, but what I do now for some extra money is restoring old Czechoslovakian car models, the KDN. (Wurger you must know! :D ) I buy them on Czech ebay for low cost, restore and sell 'em with some extra profit. This Škoda 110 Rapid Coupé is the latest one. Currently, I have about eight of these models on my bench, waiting to be restored and sold. Unfortunately, my camera is broken, so I can't take new pictures, but I'll do when the cam works again.

1) The real car - Škoda 110 Rapid Coupé
2) The original shape of the model
3) - 6) Restored status



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Hi Pisis,
I've though you forgot abut us.What about you?Certainly I know KDN.The models were the most popular on south of Poland in that time.They were very cool.:)

BTW this Škodovku had my uncle.A very good car.
Pozdrawiam Wurger! No, I didn't forget about you, I'm just occupied a lot (school, work, social service...).

KDN - Yes, very popular. And nowadays, the collectors are willing to give astronomical prices for each piece ( ;) ). On this concrete model, I made a profit of $15 :)

And škoda is certainly a good car. It is my dream to drive a veteran like one of these. "The Warsaw Pact Porsche" ;)
i got a "little" bored last night, here's my 1/250 sabre paper model. not my best work really, but they're fun...........sorry the pics are so big, i dont know how to make them smaller.


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Here are my first two attempts at paper Models.


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That's an amazing collection you have there! Thanks for sharing! Any chance we could get some close-ups of those Japanese Kates, Jills, or Graces?


Here are a couple.Its the best my camera will do.These are ones that were not too dusty.I'll post them and some more at otftch's photos and albums on webshots under Airplanes-singles


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What's the bottom plane?

It is a Yokosuka R2Y1 high speed reconnaissance aircraft.It was powered by two Mitsubishi Radials in the fuselage driving contra-rotating propellorsThe first prototype was destroyed by American bombing.The second prototype was captured after the war partially built.
You should open your own showroom or museum with all those amazing models you have... I know I'd pay to see them!

If you find yourself visiting Florida e-mail me.I'd love to show them.I'm an hour away from Orlando.I cheked out your profile.My wife and I were both born in Philadelphia.Small world.

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