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Thanks for your comments Guys.

Sundays painting of the second upper surface colour RLM 81, again this colour took a little over an hour of careful airbrushing.

Currently spending lunch breaks at work doing the panel lines, and will probably need a few little touch ups here and there next weekend before the gloss coat goes on.


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Hey Charles, I use an Aztec 430 Dual action.
Iwas thinking about your little accident, today.... when I put my 262 down on a carton as I was leaving work a gust of wind blew the model box off the carton, ****! as it landed on the concrete floor.... no damage thankfully.
I will need to do a light touch up on the lower surface blue grey on the weekend , but so far I'm happy with the progress.
That's fantastic!

Here is my latest model. I finished it finally this evening. An out of the box P-39 in 1/48 scale. It's my first P-39, and it's called "Hells Bells," with a punching chicken slogan. Of course the blury look hides the defects. Except that it wasn't weighted right!!!

It's sister P-40 is still in the making.

The first three photos are mine, but the fourth is of a more experienced modeler's "Hells Bells." I have to thank him, for his plane gave me some tips, especially in painting.


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Yup, old Monogram. I trying to do all the five main USAA fighters, and picked monogram. Tamiya, whoow, you gotta be real careful with those. But I hope to do a Blue Nose P-51 sometime.
Thanks, Wayne..... I'm considering getting back into model airplane building.
I'd like to try a R/C plane (w/o retracts) like a Ryan ST or the STM. I'm
going to look this week-end. Will look for a air-brush while I'm at it.

Lovely models guys! Aircobra looks aces along with the 262!

Im still around just very busy with school but I'll whack an image up of whats to be finished

Click to enlarge

Alright got a
Dora , Lancaster, heinkel he 111, Avenger, 2 Hawker Hurricanes, Gustav, Zero, Fleet Air Arm Corsair, Red Arrows jet and F-16 fighting falcon!

Some have been lying around since 2003 half built so I have some work to do!

back soon.
Nice Models Heinz and Wurger!!

Bit more progress on the Me262

Tip of the nose has been masked and painted yellow, panel lines have been done, most prominent on the lower surfaces and some added detail to the nose area in a before and after shot.

Hoping to do the gloss coat tomorrow night and should start the decals Wednesday want to have them done by the weekend.


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This is a model I helped design and build for the film The Aviator. 25' wingspan with working counter rotating props.




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