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I am currently building A UH-1C huey gunship from the vietnam war. I gave up on the P-51C Mustang because I lost the nose cone and 2 out of 4 props broke off. I will probably buy another kit the same after I have completed the huey and the P-51D Mustang. BTW, academy decals suck!
Thanks a lot Wurger,
I used Tamiya acrylic Flat aluminium XF-16 and for the Yellow bands Gunze acrylic H-413 then I coated twice with Klear floor varnish, the decals (with MicroSet, the decals were 12 years old ! ), and one more coated of Klear floor varnish and to finish flat varnish all over.



THX Olivier.
I gave up on the P-51C Mustang because I lost the nose cone and 2 out of 4 props broke off. I will probably buy another kit the same after I have completed the huey and the P-51D Mustang. BTW, academy decals suck!

That's a pity.As far as the props are concerned, are you sure there isn't any way to repair these? And the spinner can be scratch-built.It's really easy to do.
Last night, when I put the latest pic's of the Aeronca K Floatplane up for
viewing, I screwed up. I didn't mean to do it, but I started a new thread
under Modeling. I meant to put them here in Post Your Models. Maybe one
of the moderators can move the entire thread into this one. The previous
pic's of the floatplane are here, and those who have shown an interest will
look here. Maybe it's not possible to move the thread, I'm sure one of
them will let me know. If it isn't possible, I will re-post the pic's here.

Got the port (that's left) wing structure completed tonight. The inboard
wing rib is stanted, to conform to the correct dihedral and that's drying
as we speak. Also finished covering the inside of the floats. Tomorrow
night I hope to get the other wing assembled.

One thing I'd like all you professional modelers to take into consideration,
I do not have a paint spray outfit. So this plane will be painted with
a 3/8" brush. I think we're going with "Cub Yellow" with a little black
trim. However, I'm open to suggestion.

All pic's have been moved to Modeling\Aeronca K Floatplane

Charles, I vote for keeping the new thread. You'll be able to add whatever you like about the model (looking forward to it!!)

And I give my vote for classic yellow. Sounds good.

This might be my last night for awhile so I hope to see some great pics when I get back!! 8)
For those of you interested....Heinz, Njaco, Wayne Little, DougRD,
Wurger, et al.

All pic's have been moved to Modeling\Aeronca K Floatplane

The post will continue from there.......

Thought you guys that frequent this thread would like to see the floatplane
on the water. What it needs now is some paint...... Cub Yellow with a
little black trim.

More pic's in Models/Aeronca K Floatplane



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