Prayers or good thoughts

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good news Thor about your dad. Freebird keep us updated please. My cancer is in check for the moment but I had a terrible crash on my bike yesterday, I really should go get stiches.............have had problems with my right shoulder this past week on the right side into my hand with numbness and burning due to overwork. several times on the 80 mile bike ride I was shaking it out or so I thought, well in one instance I was leading the group of 7 friends and my right hand literally fell off the right brake hood and the hand fell into my front wheel bladed spokes doing 18mph, well I did the tuck in roll but the damge was done, everyone freaked and the guy next to me ran over me with his 200 lbs and his bike. I could not believe no torn clothes, the bike is fine just ripped handlebar tape that is it, my helmet lost just the tail end with a crack and mas but my right hand is swollen and cut up real bad body bruises everywhere. Thank GOD my fingers were not cut off, and how I am typing all of this is beyond me as the right hand is totally enclosed in tape gauze and you name it. without a doubt I could of been killed or at least torn rotater cuff, torn shoulder or broken collar bones, etc......... someone with more authority was watching over me.

don't be too surprised yo do not see me here though over the next days just to heal up as I feel like - well you know -

E ♫
yes I am thinking of going in once the mrs gets off work to do a little stich work, think my ring finger on my right hand may be broken as well as I cannot move it, my whole hand is in extremem pain so who's traumatized for certain
my wife smiled as we looked at the right hand.............yuk that was ugly, the ring finger is pretty geeked right now with a slight pressure crack from the turning bike spokes, thank God I still have it as it should of been cut off

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