Question on the Upcoming D-Day Group Build...

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Good to see ya back Cory!

Agree with Terry and the rest of ya on only allied stuff with stripes
Being a young 'un on this site I missed the whole Wildcat thing and am afraid to ask.... But reading between the lines in Terry's post, I think he's saying that the Wildcat does not rank high on his list of favourite aircraft.


  • Terry and Wildcat.jpg
    Terry and Wildcat.jpg
    78.7 KB · Views: 122
They'd better well be bl**dy stunners then! I'm actually thinking of doing a little diorama of the FAA Wildcat, immediate post WW2. I thought maybe set in a scrap yard, with a guy wielding a bl**dy great cutting torch......
Well I'm sure Terry's countenance changed. He was smiling and had an evil laugh. The when Karl (?) took this snapshot Terry smiled trying to cover up the incident.

Interrogation time.


Here you go CR....


Observe how stunned he looks! You can almost hear the wheels turning in his head, coming up with a valid excuse for him to that near a Wildcat...

Will you be posting those detail shots of yours, of the Wildcat, soon old boy?

Thank-you Jan. 7 months of festering history condensed into a tidy package. I now consider myself well up to speed with Terry's seemingly irrational aversion to this machine. Perhaps someone could photoshop Terry into this pic to make him feel a little better:


  • Wildcat_wreck_jungleTasimboko_Guadacanal_1980s2.jpg
    85.2 KB · Views: 119
Ah! Now that's how a Wildcat should look!
There's still a bit more history behind all of this CR, going back, I think, to the early stages of the PTO Group Build.
They'd better well be bl**dy stunners then! I'm actually thinking of doing a little diorama of the FAA Wildcat, immediate post WW2. I thought maybe set in a scrap yard, with a guy wielding a bl**dy great cutting torch......

Will this criminal look like you then? :lol:
Planning ahead, I am going to do the 1/72 Hasegawa B-26 for the D-Day build. I seem to recall that there was some discussion a while ago about the interior colors on the Marauders. Iirc the upshot was that the interior color was slightly different from the usual green zinc chromate and was something along the lines of Bronze green. Am I remembering this right? Anyone have any additional info on this?
Leave it with me Dwight, and I'll dig out the info and all the pics I used when I built my 1/48th scale example. Basically, there were three different colours used in different areas of the aircraft, but most can't even be seen in 1/48th scale, let alone 1/72nd, so it's not a major drama. Soon as I get it all together, I'll e-mail you.
Leave it with me Dwight, and I'll dig out the info and all the pics I used when I built my 1/48th scale example. Basically, there were three different colours used in different areas of the aircraft, but most can't even be seen in 1/48th scale, let alone 1/72nd, so it's not a major drama. Soon as I get it all together, I'll e-mail you.

Thanks Terry. :)

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