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A British bloke drives in his car in France.
He starts the radio: "Attention! Attention! Some lunatic is driving in an opposite direction! Watch out!"
Brit: "Sheesh.... If only one!"
I'm not sure if this is the right place to stick these audio files but I'm sure you guys will tell me where to stick them if not.


  • south_park_-_eric_cartman_-_adolf_hitler_impression_120.wmv
    321.2 KB · Views: 92
If the second audio clip is too near ahem the knuckle I can remove it in a trice


  • beethoven_musak_in_the_washroom_148.wmv
    1 MB · Views: 63
  • senators_suck_119.wmv
    1.7 MB · Views: 65
This Dude and his Blonde girlfriend are watching the news on TV one night, and the late breaking news says that there was a tremendous explosion in Brazil...

The newscaster states that 28 Brazilian people had died in the explosion....

The Blonde looks over to her boyfriend and states:

"Honey, how much is a Brazillion???"
the lancaster kicks ass said:

how's a woman like KFC?

once you've had the breast and thigh all that's left is a greasy box to put your bone in

What if you order from the childrens menu and thus have no bone?
What if you have the Bargain Bucket, do you then put your bone in a Bucket?
What if you dont order chicken?
What if you throw the bones out the window instead of putting them back in the box?

There are fundamental flaws with that joke lanc, I suggest you revise them and repost it

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