Quotes and Jokes (2 Viewers)

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Fr. Murphy was giving a talk about his experiences as a hospital chaplain. To illustrate his work he shared an anecdote about a man's conversion after a near-death experience.
I was called to the intensive care unit. A patient there had asked for me, and was very insistent. He was a wealthy psychiatrist, and an outspoken atheist. A widower, his wife had died of cancer a few years earlier. He had suffered a massive heart attack while giving a lecture at the University.
I arrived to find the patient in a state of agitation. "Father!" He exclaimed. "What must I do to become Catholic?"
I said, "Before we discuss that, tell me, what makes you want to become Catholic?"
"Until today, I didn't believe in God or the Devil, Heaven or Hell. But when I collapsed there on the stage I had an out-of-body experience which has shaken everything I held true. As my body lay there on the stage I found myself floating above the scene, watching as the paramedics tried to revive me. I heard one of them pronounce me dead and I was whisked away to a place of utter darkness. Then I heard a strange, but somewhat familiar voice call my name."
"Come toward the light, and spend all of eternity with me!" With that, a tiny pinprick of light appeared. I moved toward it. The light became larger and brighter. The voice became louder. As I approached I discerned a human figure in the midst of the light. As I got closer the figure became clearer. It was a female figure. She continued to call me. Her voice became louder and more insistent. Suddenly, I recognized her as my deceased wife. I turned and hightailed it back here as fast as I could.
With that he grabbed my arm with an iron grip. Looked me in the eye and said: "Father, I'm not convinced that there is a god or heaven, but I damned sure know there is a Hell!"

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