RAAF Air Pageant 2010!

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Feb 6, 2007
Melbourne, Victoria

The RAAF Museum's biennial Air Pageant is on again!

Where: RAAF Museum Point Cook
When: 28 February 2010 - Gates open at 9:00am

Flying commences at 1:00pm

Aircraft will include:
Tiger Moths
Sea Fury
and many more.....

Food Outlets, Souvenirs Ground Displays

If you require further information about the event, access and parking please contact us.

I'll definately be there again, its a fantastic event. It doesn't say the Hudson in the list there but I suspect that it will arrive.

Biggest news is that the Sabre will be down which will be very awesome to see fly!

Yup that's the plan lots of photos. Will be taking 2 cameras like last time except I'll be armed with the mighty new Pentax K200D which has just got itself a nice new big lense. Hopefully means some decent in flight shots too!
There is an Airshow in Reading PA this year, Njaco will start a thread with more info...

But a bunch of us are trying to make arrangements to meet up

I can't wait for pics!
G'day fellas. Haven't been around the past few days due to life taking precedent and it will probably remain like this for the rest of the year. I did however get to the Pageant this year and it was really good. The Sea Fury was a no show and only 1 DC3 arrived. Still the weather held off was over cast but cleared to a sunny but windy afternoon. As a result the replica Sopwith Pup didn't fly.

Anyway heres a few shots to get this thread started. I'll throw some shots when I can.



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Long time no speak fellas, here is a few more. Another Airshow tomorrow Tyabb, my local airport is having its show.

Tyabb Airshow

Main attractions will be the P 51 and P 40 and Wirraway.


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Thanks Andy, I'm well thanks mate and yourself?

Appreciate that Paul!

Heres a few more.


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Thanks guys, yeah this was the first airshow using the Pentax + the telephoto lens which meant I could manage some decent high res shots.

More to come.l

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