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Sometimes I wonder just exactly WHY I had the bloody ide of making a JG 26 diorama???
Ah well, I bought the G6 to get some variation - and because my fave model shop didn't have a Rudel Ju 87 Kanonenvogel in the shop when I popped by friday.
I'm not angry...I'm disappointed.
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These arrived today. The wheels and canopy are for the 'Bob Cross' Hurricane, although I've already moulded a canopy, and the kit is for conversion into a MkVc Trop, to complete the trilogy of Bob's aircraft from 136 Squadron.


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Nice one Jan. Did you find decals or are you making them yourself?

This one just arrived. Picked it up on evilbay foe $18.50. My wife seems to think it's my way to immortality. as long as I have uncompleted kits I'll keep on going! The kits fits the bill for the upcoming group build, but I don't think I'll get around to it then as I have a couple others in line ahead of it. Maybe the early jet group build.


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Nice one Jan. The kit is not as detailed as the B17G (although all main parts match!), but can be made into a superb model.

No? I thought that they'd pretty much the same in the detailing.....

Nice one Jan. Did you find decals or are you making them yourself?

Kits-World does the decals for this bird and plenty more B-17's and all the B-24 with the starsign noseart...

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