Recent Purchases (2 Viewers)

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Couple more turned up in the post....these are Nice kits....


  • Kit_Bf109F-2_5374.jpg
    56.7 KB · Views: 57
  • Kit_Bf109G-4_5374.jpg
    55 KB · Views: 54
Wayne's gonna be naval gazing for a while!

When I first saw that Andy I went "navel grazing?? does Wayne have to pay the missus a visit" :)

Wayne the 109's 1/72? Thats what I see most FineMolds as.
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Wayne can't even come close to what Jan has purchased in the past six months.:lol: He may have a bigger stash but.

Jan has bought alot Aaron but I have been trying for over a year now to get a count out of Wayne but he refuses to let it loose.I think the Missus must keep an eye on the forum and to let such info out would be detremental to man's health.
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Thats a nice set of decals Harrison!I like the 34 down the sheet at first glance might have to get that sheet for mine also:thumbright:
Karl, will get that camo pic organised for you, tomorrow!

Jan has bought alot Aaron but I have been trying for over a year now to get a count out of Wayne but he refuses to let it loose.I think the Missus must keep an eye on the forum and to let such info out would be detremental to man's health.

My Missus gives me constant friggin' grief over my stash, and now and again DOES look over my shoulder!!! and Yeah my balls are an endangered species...may not have 'em much longer....

And David I let you have that picture on condition you would keep it to yourself!!:lol:
Karl, will get that camo pic organised for you, tomorrow!

My Missus gives me constant friggin' grief over my stash, and now and again DOES look over my shoulder!!! and Yeah my balls are an endangered species...may not have 'em much longer....

And David I let you have that picture on condition you would keep it to yourself!!:lol:

See No Number :lol:

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