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Since we are talking about the p-40. What is the right colour for the cockpit.. I was thinking MM interior green(fs34151) with a drop or to of black,or Hu75 bronze green. I can't seem to find the definitive answer

If you add black to green you get a shade of brown! try some tests in a dish!
I kinda figured as much. Got this stuff for the old boy. He has a 30 liter air pig and his next door buddy has a big shop compressor,so he can fill it up any time he needs to. So I thought with this stuff he would have his own airbrush and I can finally get mine back,as things are starting to pile up without it.. These came in the last few days as well


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Mmmmmmmm........nice Catalina....oh shut've got six of them already....but....shut it.....I was just.....shuuuut iiiiiit....that B-26....ssshhhhh.....and that A-26 it....come on, give us I just....nope....but....rap it....
Oh dear, Jan's been at the Wine Gums again !
Now old boy, come along back to your ce... er, room. It's time for that nice Doctor to give you those little pink sweeties you have every day .....
The Ar196 is a wonderful kit. Is the P-39 new tool or just a re-box of the late 70's offering?

Sorry for the late reply yes it's the Special Hobbies offering with out the resin exhaust stacks and gun sight. The Airacobra only arrived yesterday as was on back order from Revell. I've had a quick look and the panel line detail is very subtle and despite the age looks like it's going to be a nice kit to build.
Great scores guys!

Prem, built that 1:48 P-51D in the '80s. Seemed a great kit then, if a little full of rivet 'holes'. How would you say it stacks up against more modern mouldings?

Wojtku - great score on the Val!
Just got today...

I have got both of these in my stash, the Val from memory looked like a much rougher and older kit than the P40 which I believe is a new tool. I can recommend the Airfix Zero which a very crisp looking kit.
It is the old 1/32 Hase kit. I think it stands up very well considering it's age. The newer kits may be a little more detailed and have better fit,but they do have their inaccuracies. The only p-51 kit that seems to be almost perfect is the 1/32 Tamiya,but it is at least $100 or more. It is 3 times the cost of this one. It will build up very well with a little patience and elbow grease
Great scores guys!

Prem, built that 1:48 P-51D in the '80s. Seemed a great kit then, if a little full of rivet 'holes'. How would you say it stacks up against more modern moldings?

Wojtku - great score on the Val!

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