RENO 2008! HERE I COME!!!!

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Thanks for all the blessings folks! Right now I'm sitting at the terminal at DIA waiting for my flight. The plane was delayed on its ferry flight from Delaware so I'm hoping it made it in. Flying along with our plane is the L-39 "Pipsqueak."

I'll check in and keep you guys updated where and when I can - i have a ton of work to do before Wednesday providing I have a plane. I'll also try to get some good photos. Take care all!

Well had a long tiring day but got the plane basically race ready - still got some work to do, Mike gets in tomorrow night - he placed 3rd at Porto today in the Red Bull races.

Lots of warbirds flying around, not enough time to take many pictures, may try for some tomorrow.

Will try to post tomorrow!


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Hey Folks - quick update - We qualified at 515.890, a few seconds behind the other Viper 29 flown by the former astronaut Curt Brown. Curt is a tough competitor and we have our work cut out for us. We've some had some minor issues but we're making progress. Working my butt off, trying to go for the checkered!

I'll try to post between now and Sunday, where and when I get a chance. Take care!


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