representation by pinup

cute corporal for your official site pin up?

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Good point CC. I actually met my wife on a computer BBS years ago. I would have been attracted to her and she to me, but the initial anonymity of the computer helped her to get over her shyness. We met through the screen, which led to the telephone, to meeting face to face.

I made alot of friends that way too. There are people you would not approach based on appearance. I know there was this big guys that looked like a neandrathal <sp?> that I met through the forums section of the BBS, not unlike this one. He would have scared the living daylights out of me if I had bumped into him out on the street somewhere. Anyway, he was really cool and we used to get together to jam all the time.

The computer does help to break down some communications barriers that would otherwise be there. In the dating world, you look first and then approach, with the internet, it is the other way around. But you never know, eh?
CC, haven't you figured out yet when I'm just being a smart ass?

I understand what you're saying m8, but the internet is full of weirdos (no, not me! ). Not everyone is of course.
Just be very careful!
It is kinda scary now though. I have met people from the internet that were ghastly, or just plain weird. On a BBS is a bit different than on the internet. BBSs are more localized, so it's within your general area. With the internet, you could fall in love with some girl in Upper Volta or something.
look guys -
a) im not a kid
b) how does Medvedya know im at a sixth form college
c) im STILL not a guy
d)if you're going to be SOOOO rude im not bothering with the site -
i came here on the assumption that i could talk with people and possibly learn more about wwII as well but all you lot seem to be focused on is trying to make me out as some old/male/pervert/stupid person/tart and i really dont appreciate it - i didnt join to put all of you down...
thanks so much for making me feel this confused/upset/offended and i really hope i never have to meet any of you rude, assuming, arrogant male chauvinist pigs!
this is not meant to be offensive, :fist: im just expressing truthfully how you have come across.
this started as a bit of fun but now thanks to some negative people, it has turned into something sinister and nasty.

nevertheless...i will put my photos on asap just to spite you all and PROVE im not a guy/child/weirdo.

im not the most clever person in the world but im fairly intelligent and i still really dont appreciate people being like this.
i only said june for the photos because
a)i dont have a webcam - i use a net cafe cam
b)i havnt the time to mess around with cameras while at college and work
c)i thought if i do put some in, id take my time doing decent ones.

theres my views - i now do not give a flying f*** :fist: what any one thinks about me - i know whats true. 8)
My "weirdo" comments were actually meant to be generic, and I'm sorry if you took offence to that. I'm in my thirties, so technically you're still a kid to me. There, I'm covered! (Christ, I feel old now! )
Welcome to the site. I respect anyone willing to publicly give me the finger.
Look, you came on here and posted a lot of sexual innuendo and I recall very little about WWII aviation. So people doubt your intentions, and you get offended? I won't apologize for doubting you or your motivations. If you have something about WWII aviation to post, I am all ears. If you are going to continue to post your sexual connotations and about how great you look, I really could care less.

I'm 46 and should know better myself

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