representation by pinup

cute corporal for your official site pin up?

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I'm not so curious that I'll wait with baited breath for six months. But hey, whatever, if its bull, big deal, if it's true, we find out in June. It'll be funny anyway.
What ? It's true. You never spot the intelligence of the girl first, always her body. Be honest, if you meet someone you never saw and talked to before, you'll spot her body first. You won't say : "She is ugly. Let's see if she is intelligent..."

Not at all ! If she is ugly, you won't talk to her. But, if she is cute, you will talk to her and (by doing so) see if she is intelligent.

"The mysteries of life" by Dr. Maestro

The internet changes all that though! Personality first looks second 8)

I know, I've been there 8) (I still am there and I hope I always will be)
No perhaps you didnt understand what I meant....when you meet someone on the net theres a much higher chance that youll find out about their personality before their looks...

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