Revell 1/72 Heinkel He 111H of Kampfgeschwader 26 Battle of Britain Group Build

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Chief Master Sergeant
Mar 2, 2009
Vojvodina, Serbia
Username: imalko
First name: Igor
Category: Category 2/Intermediate
Scale: 1:72
Manufacturer: Revell
Model Type: Heinkel He 111H-3

Here's one model which I wanted to do for a long time, but decided to wait until this group build. I believe it's well known Hasegawa kit in Revell box with new decals. As box art shows it's actually an He 111H-6 version, but I intend to build it as H-3 as it's appropriate for given time frame. Though there are some differences between H-3 and H-6 (most notably in defensive armament), as far as I could see the kit itself contains the parts needed for making this earlier version.

I have chosen to do KG 26 machine as there are decals for it with the kit. It's for an aircraft of 5./KG 26 coded 1H+FN, which operated in Mediterranean in 1943. Now, I know that KG 26 participated in Battle of Britain operating from Norway. Though I couldn't find any pictures to confirm it, my presumption is that there must have been an aircraft in KG 26 wearing that same codes in 1940. (If someone can actually confirm this that would be great.)


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Hi Igor,

In the afternoon on 11 September, the weather improved and the Luftwaffe launched co-ordinated attacks lasting two hours. Bomber formations started building up over Pas de Calais shortly before 15:00 and soon afterwards, accompanied by more than 200 fighters, flew up the Thames Estuary towards London. Nine RAF fighter Squadrons attacked from about 15:30 but could make no impression until the bombs started to fall in the dock area. Once again, the Bf 110 forces pulled away to the south and formed up in circles in the Croydon area to cover the bombers' withdrawal. However, the Bf 109s of LG 2 and JG 51 had wasted too much fuel on the approach and had to brake off for their return to base.
The He 111s of KG 1 and KG 26 were thus left entirely shorn of protection fairly early in their run up over London, and upon them fell more than 60 Hurricanes and Spitfires of 17, 56, 73, 222, 249 and 303 Squadrons. Eight bombers were shot down and 13 damaged as they struggled to reach the coast; and the Bf 110 were so hounded by Hurricanes that they could give no effective cover.
In the confusion of battle, however, some squadrons - in particular the Spitfires of 41 Squadron and the Hurricanes of 1 RCAF Squadron - were ordered to engage too low and were attacked by enemy fighters, which shot down about a dozen fighters. Eight pilots were killed.
In the later part of the combat it was joined by fighters from 10 Group.
249 Squadron took part in this large an confusing combat. They reported that at 15:27, 11 aircraft of the Squadron and Wing Commander Victor Beamish, Station Commander, left North Weald first to patrol base at 15,000ft, then to intercept raid 54 with 257 Squadron and then to patrol Maidstone to Mayfield at 10,000ft.
About 2 miles south-east of London, 249 Squadron engaged a large compact vic of 50 plus He 111s at 19,000ft (the large vic was composed of vics of three). They were heading west when seen, but they turned north just as the Squadron engaged them, dropping bombs on the London docks and then turning south.
An unusual occurrence was that there appeared to be only a very small fighter escort (reportedly Bf 109s or He 113s), which was flying 10,000ft above the enemy bombers. In consequence, the fighters were more or less unmolested in their first attack. They attacked around 16:00 from ahead and at least four enemy bombers were seen to drop behind, streaming glycol. These were claimed as damaged by the Squadron as a whole.
Pilot Officer Tom Neil (Blue 2) (Hurricane V7313) claimed a He 111 destroyed at 16:00, which crash-landed in a field about 20 miles south-east of London. Pilot Officer William Pattullo (Green 3) and Flight Lieutenant Parnall (Red 1) each claimed a He 111 at 15:55, which crashed in a field by a railway station near Tonbridge. It was clearly the same bomber and it was shared between them. Wing Commander Beamish (Hurricane V6615/GN-B) claimed a probable He 111 at around 16:00 witnessed by Pilot Officer Hugh Beazley. He was the only pilot to be engaged by German fighters. Sergeant William Lance Davis (Hurricane V6682) claimed a Ju 88 before being shot down by the bombers, baling out at 15:58 over Beneden, Kent.
Ten aircraft and Wing Commander Beamish returned to North Weald by 16:40, Sergeant W. L. Davis was safe and only slightly injured.
249 Squadrons claims were possibly made against bombers from 5./KG 26 which lost two He 111 east of London on 15:48 when He 111H-3 2H+JN (WNr. 6903) (Oberfeldwebel Kramer KIA, Oberleutnant Betram, Gefreiter Schröder and Gefreiter Entrich MIA) and He 111H-5 1H+BC (WNr. 3545) (Unteroffizier Meusel KIA, Leutnant Wesemann, Feldwebel Gutacker and Feldwebel Giess MIA) were lost. He 111H-3 1H+EN was damaged around 16:00 and crashed at Gilze-Rijen with 40% damage (crew unhurt) while He 111H-3 1H+FN (WNr. 3935) also were 40% damaged but returned to base.


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Kampfgeschwader 26 "Löwen"


7.40 - 9.40 Stavanger-Sola He 111H

I. Gruppe:

7.40 - 9.40 Stavanger-Sola He 111H

III. Gruppe:

4.40 - 7.40 Trondheim-Vaernes He 111H
7.40 - 9.40 Stavanger-Sola He 111H
Cheers fellas! Looking forward to this one myself.

Harry, I would call that a confirmation I was looking for. Great to know details about particular aircraft which is the subject of one's build. Say Harrison, from which book you quoted that text? Any pictures on which that profile was based? Also thanks Jan for info you posted. Appreciate it mate.
Can't see the profile for some reason H, but the answer is simple. During the course of the Battle, the Luftwaffe ORBAT changed as circumstances and requirements dictated, partially due to the initial, and ongoing, poor planning by the High Command. This resulted in the movement of individual Staffeln within the three Luftflotten, and even the transfer of whole Fliegerkorps to different Luftflotten.
As the main concentation of raids was required on the south east section of England, penetration to targets in the north of England, and Scotland, with KGs from Norway (and Denmark) lessened, and virtually ceased. By late August, KG26 had taken heavy losses and, although on paper still based in Norway, by September 7th they had already been transfered to Luftflotte 2, and were based in Holland at Gilze-Rijen and at Moerbeke. By October 26th, they had been transfered yet again, this time to Luftflotte 3, and were now based in France !
Nice choice BTW Igor - been waiting for a Heinkel. It looks like the box art has a red letter 'F', which would make this a 5/KG26 aircraft. I've got a profile of a 1/KG26 machine, 'White F', = 1H+ FH if you need an alternative.
Thanks Terry. Great info there.
Yes, it's 5th Staffel aircraft with code letter "F" in red.
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Not exactly the '111 in the box but....

Oblt. Albert von Schwerin, 1/KG-26 He 111H-5 Werk # 3539 "1H + AM" (lost) KIA 19 November, 1940 during a raid on London when he struck a balloon cable at 2800 ft and a second cable at 4500 feet. The second strike tore off the starboard wing and the AC crashed to the ground in the Beckton Marshes, exploded and caught fire. Remaining crew (KIA): Oblt Huno Philipps, Observer; Stabartz Dr. Albert Leuchtenberg, R/O; Ofw Heinz Goehler, Gunner and Ofw Fritz Gundlack, Gunner.

Shows you that those balloons were some nasty things sometimes!

Uffz Willi Zimmermann, 1/KG-26 He 111H-4 "1H + GH" (lost) POW 15 August, 1940 after being shot down by three Hurricanes of RAF No. 605 Sq. as the bombers approached the Acklington-Tyneside area. Both engines damaged, the He 11 spiralled down into the sea at Druridge Bay. The aircraft remained afloat for about 15 minutes, thus all five crew members were able to get into their dingy, benefiting from their training earlier in the month at Kristainsand Norway. Remaining crew: Oblt Rudolf Roch, Observer (POW), Gefr Erwin Kulick, wireless operator (POW), Gefr Alwin Machalett, mechanic (POW) and Flgr Ernst Henrichsen, rear gunner (POW). Henrichsen, Kulick and Machalett were wounded in the encounter, Machalett most serious with a severe left leg wound.

Edit: If it's the 5./KG26 they were based 4.40 - 5.40 Trondheim-Vaernes and 5.40 - end.8.40 Aalborg-West, which at the time of BoB, would put them in Denmark, being that between 8.40 - 6.1.41 they were to found at Amiens.
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Don't forget that 5/KG26 (II Gruppe) were at Gilze-Rijen in between Jan, included in the ORBAT for September 7th, as part of Luftflotte 2. When they moved to France, into Luftflotte 3, they were based further west. Certainly in early September, the airfields around Amiens were bases for I/ZG2. I'd need to check on the bases for KG26 Gruppen.
I think I might have attempted a dive on the Heinkel in Druridge Bay, back in about 1969 ! Weather conditions prevented us at the time, but my mate apparently got there the following year. And Acklington was only three miles from where I used to spend most of the school summer holidays as a kid, still operational in the mid 60s,with Hunters, and now a prison !
They were? This is what I've found.....on 5./KG26

10.39 - 21.2.40 Westerland
21.2.40 - 3.40 Neumünster
3.40 - 8.4.40 Westerland
8.4.40 - 9.4.40 Marx
9.4.40 - 16.4.40 Aalborg-West
16.4.40 - 4.40 Stavanger-Sola
4.40 - 5.40 Trondheim-Vaernes
5.40 - end.8.40 Aalborg-West
8.40 - 6.1.41 Amiens
I haven't come across any postings to Amiens for the early part of the move from Aalborg, when they were in Holland. In fact, for the ORBAT of mid-August, they are shown at Stavanger, with KG30 at Aalborg, and in mid-September the ORBAT shows no strengths for the Geschwader, after the losses, and when they were in the process of transfer from Luft Fl 2 at Gilze-Rijen, with KG30 now at Gilze -Rijen and Brussels. KG 26 re-appear on the ORBAT for October 26, now in Luft Fl 3, in north west France.
I'd need to look at some other data and maps I have, but my eyes are going round in circles at the moment, as I've been up around 36 hours, and I can't tell which pile of paperwork is which !!

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