RNZAF Corsair Build (1 Viewer)

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Agree with Wayne, get the exams out of the way, then go back to the DAF. (Daniels Aircraft Factory)!
I see another guy has suggested printing plates, so it might still be the way to go. But why didn't I think of the veneer? Probably because it's expensive in the UK. But, probably the most famous aircraft of its type ever, was made a similar way, the Mosquito!
Looking forward to the next installment of Tales from the DAF!!!
.......Thanks Wayne,Heinz and Terry

Try not to worry Its 2:16 and I'm still up studying

My exam isn't until 2pm tommorrow so I can afford to be up a little later than usual to study

Its just a little hard to spend every waken hour studying...I need a break every half hour or so hence I'm on here

The printing plates idea will be what Il try if this wood coat theory fails...will be making a few phone calls

As for my maths exam I'm feeling pretty confident......no I'm not..I'm just saying that to not stress which apparently isn't the thing to do!

Interesting. They toss raw aluminum? Not here in the US. Hell we have meth-heads that steal raw metals from parks and construction sites.
Same here now, I believe, Matt. When I was in the trade, many plates were just scrapped, apart from the thicker gauge ones, as they were a pain to re-process, espaecially if still inked and gummed. But now, most are 'weighed in'.
But, printers will still let people have some of the thinner ones, for free or very low cost. They can be useful in 'our' sort of modelling, for making small parts, panels, or cowlings that are shown 'off' the aircraft, battle damage, that sort of thing.
I'm done with studying and exams......thank the lord

Original tail looked like Sh!t didn't it? yup it did

Quite impatient with making this piece and the results showed

The gear is proving a right b!tch but hopefully it should be size adjustible



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I'm more impressed than when I was impressed the last time before I was impressed!
Looking like a bent-wing bird more and more. Great stuff Daniel.
Thanks for the motivating comments guys

so am I Catch

should have some more pics up of something ,Il find something to work on

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