RNZAF Corsair Build

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Cheers mate

skinning is a very time consuming process

also a skin comsuming process


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Yep, it is not easy to cover the bird but she looks good.
Maybe you should make paper patterns firstly and then cut these of metal with patterns.
WoW now thats going to be big nice piece of work cant, wait to see it finished.

you must of eaten a lot of beans judging by the amount of tins.
Fantastic stuff Daniel! Wojtek has the right idea regarding the paper patterns, it'll make things a lot easier. Now that I've seen the covering in place, the 'corrugations' don't look that bad. Rather than use the tape/filler method discussed, it would possibly be easier, and give a smoother finish, if you used glass-fibre bandage/tape. Wrap it around so that it bridges the gap between the raised part and the 'trench' of the corrugations, fix in place with the fixer or resin that you can get at the same place as the 'bandage', then 'paint' it with the finishing resin. It might take 24 to 48 hours to 'cure' properly, but, when hard, you'll be able to sand it smooth and match the surrounding surfaces. Once primed and painted, the finish overall will be as smooth as glass, and should look brilliant. If in doubt about how to use the glass-fibre materials, ask at the store you get it from; most times they'll give advice, or a leaflet. In the UK, 'Isopon', which I think is originally from the U.S., provide guidance hints/tips leaflets etc. If not, your local library will have something, either in the car-body repair/maintenance section, or in boat-building.
It's really coming on well, can't wait to see it ready for painting and detailing!
Terry these "corrugations" are not deep ,I've beated the hell out of the sheets with the hammer to make smoother.Lighting is not helping me make them look flat,but they are fairly flat.I think the right think to do would be to cover it all in "bog" then sand smooth ,this will get rig of any "corrugations" while to the eye would combine all pieces therefore making it look like one big piece.what do you think?

Thanks for the comments guys

Gonna go piss off my neighboors now
Sounds OK Dan. If it's smooth like you say, then bog it and b******s to it! Should turn out well after sanding etc, and especially under a couple of coats of (I presume) dark blue paint. Keep up the good work, it's looking great so far.
109 that is bloody brilliant, mate!!! Most excellent!

And I'm with Airframes, Bondo or other car repair materials are likely your best bet at this point. She's a beaut!

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