RNZAF Corsair Build

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Great work Dan! The colours look pretty right for a factory fresh US Navy scheme, they would appear fainter and worn under operational conditions.

(Are you really going to paint all the stencilling ???! :shock: )
Cheers mate


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Cheers! Yeah will paint it tomorrow maybe or the next day

Need to find something suitable for a canopy
Looks great Dan, but one thing - the wing roundels shouldn't have the yellow ring (sorry!). This is a common mistake I've seen in countless books, and alot of models (no doubt echoing the book profiles.)

RNZAF roundels were closely patterned on the British ones, with Yellow, Blue, White and Red roundels for the fueslage, Blue, White and Red for the wings. When we started receiving US lendlease a/c with the stars and bars, it was usually quicker just to overpaint the star portion of the roundel with the British type roundel than paint out the bars aswell - thus the 'Pacific roundel' was born.

That was the simple version of course, the subject is fairly complex and there are a few anomalies with the measurements and colours, US Navy regulations later having the biggest influence (especially in regard to the use of the Red colour in the roundel), but it remains though that I've never seen a photo of, or read reference to an RNZAF aircraft with Yellow outlined Pacific style wing roundels.

Sorry about that, you've done a beautiful job of it!

I thought it looked a tad 'odd' ,You are right though

I was going on only the roundels on the undersides of the wings didn't have the yellow ring

Well this sorta messes things up,hmmm well I guess I'm gonna have to go and buy some more paint

Thanks though for pointing it out and thanks Jan! Appreciated guys!
Brilliant Daniel, just brilliant! I've been looking forward to seeing it painted, and it looks superb. You could make a windscreen by bending thin plastic sheet and riveting/screwing in place, with more coffee tins for the framework, or even strip wood. The canopy might be a bit more difficult, unless it was again just bent sheet. Although without one it would still be more than acceptable. Great job mate!
Nah no worries Evan , Terry I was thinking along those lines too .Just to find some plastic sheeting!

Dono about the PTO build Karl :lol:

Thanks Guys!
Glad you corrected my mistake Evan ,I think it looks alot better


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