RNZAF Corsair Build

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Oh shucks guys thanks! ,Terry I used an old lamp and my old computer chair to make the prop

About to go and buy some more paint.Photos up tonight!
An old lamp and a computer chair....so now he can't see, can't sit down, but has an engine and prop that look better than some kit's parts! The boy's a genius!
Great work Daniel, get those pics up quick, as I'm bursting to see 'em!
:( Started raining

Had to cease work

It's all blue right now:) need to apply markings and then Finish!!! Don't know If I can paint though , The dust and dampness in the garage is worrying me
Well ...I blame the weather

Pretty annoyed at dulux for a difference in paint than to the paint charts I had:mad:

What do you guys think of the colours?


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Don't know enough about the specific colour scheme to comment but hey, what the h**l! It looks great to me Daniel, and probably close enough to be authentic. First time we've seen the whole thing - and painted! Brilliant work mate, you should be proud, and never mind the NZ licensing laws, have a pint on me!
Now, put down the beer, and get the paint and markings finished!
Almost ,Just going to make stentcils(Did I spell that right?)

Should hopefully do an alright job(That light blue should be more grey ish)

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