RNZAF Corsair Build

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Thanks for the link mate

Wigram was good ,757 and C-130 did a practice run

I was quite impressed by the C-130 (obviously trying to show the 757 whose boss)

There were 2 little boys there ,one with an Airfix Catalina model .Got quite amusing hearing them argue about who had more models and their favourite planes,it was Hawker Typhoon vs the Supermarine Spitfire.Good to see the young ones keen! Sad to see the old ones destroying the place
:lol: Spose so ,but he had a car!

Just been for a look round town for a piece of clear plastic without any luck

Tomorrow's Wigrams Airshow ,so monday's the soonest Il be able to do something on a canopy
Try stooging around the hangars at the airfield; ask if there's any clear sheeting etc that might be useful. They can only say no, and will probably help if they can. That's if you can find anyone suitable to ask of course. Worth a try.
Has anyone given an estimate of the weight of that bird ??


Great idea Charles...and the nearest to the correct A.U.W gets a free 'check ride' !

Dan, do you have any vets...animal doctor type, not Veteran...near where you live ?.

Reason for asking, is have a look at getting one of those dog collars that look like a lampshade. They're worn to stop the dog from scratching / biting itself by making impossible for the dog to turn its head very far....sorry, I dont have any pics that show what I mean. Its already designed to resemble a cone shape when fitted to said poorly pooch, so could be trimmed very, very easily to fit the profile of the Corsair. You can get them in a clear plastic or opaque and thy're about 2 to 3mm thick

OK, it wont have the correct profile...i'm working on the assumption all you are looking for is a 'windshield' and not the full greebhouse !... but it would be simple to cut to fit and with a bit of artistic flair, you could paint the 'canopy frame'. Once fitted it would have a convincing raked back look but not be too big or look out of place.

Only a suggestion.
I know what ya mean Gary ,I didn't know you could get them in clear plastic .Il look into it

I don't know about weight maybe 40kg,she can peddle it thats all I'm worried about
Just had a thought, if you cant get a clear one, an opaque one painted silver with the frame outline in blue wouldnt look out of place....unless she is really going to get the revs up on the peddles and needs to duck down out the slipstream !
Great idea about the clear dog thingy Gary! If you can't get one, you could always just make the 'hoop' frame and windshield frame, and tack/glue in thin plastic or thick polythene, the type you might find at a 'Garden Centre', used for greenhouse sheeting or covering plant thingies. The 'hoop could be cut MDF, or sections of bent ply or even the coffee tins again, and the front frame just strips of ply or similar. If you do use the tins though, make sure they are either covered in filler, or easier and stronger, wrapped in Duck tape or similar, then painted, so that Jemma won't cut herself on it.
Just thought - you could adapt a plastic/fibre glass or aluminium bicycle mudguard for the 'hoop' !
Might sound stupid Dan, but if all else fails, maybe a modified see-through umbrella would work?

(I think Gary's idea is the best though if you can get your hands on one of those dog cones)
Not stupid at all

Gonna try and buy this or something similar

Theres quite a few on trademe ,mostly with $1 reserves


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