My intention was to use decals for the yellow black stripes on the wings but I couldn't get them around the slats properly. It was a hard job carefully cleaning the wings of the decal relics. Masking tape and the spraygun produced better results. Fortunately the tape didn't ruin the metallic aqua colors.
The next disappointment were the "DecalkMaster Decals". They were beistle and teared apart when correcting their positions. Next time I will scan every Decalsheet so I could print spare parts when in need. DecalMaster also missed that the nose stripes where darkblue not black as is the case with the stripes on the tailplane. I had to reproduce the Stripes as well as the "HELL-ER BUST X" logo and the FU numbers.
Missing at all was the girl on the starboard side. Squadron/Signal had a picture so I could produce it on the PC.