Searching in the forum doesn´t work properly for me

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Senior Master Sergeant
Many times happened to me that after putting a certain key word the thread I was looking for wasn´t found and it took a lot of time till I´ve found it another way.
Perhaps yesterday I created a thread 'Does anyone live close to San Diego, California?' and when I search for 'San Diego' now, no result...
The search program has never been the forum's strong-point...even if you type the thread name in full, you still have to wade throuh atleast 3 pages of non-related threads to find it, sometimes dosen't come up at all.
I think it goes by how recent a post was. If you typed that in Chris you may have had to go bad a couple pages but, you're right it doesn't show up immediately.
Well, I don't know how a search program works, but am guessing it seeks to find the closest match for the entry. Surely then the name of a thread typed out in it's entirety should be the closest match, and therefore first on the list?

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