Short Stirling Mk.V, 46 Sqn RAF.

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Looking really nice Terry. I hate it when kits have sprue attachment points in difficult spots or where will be really obvious in the finished model so require extra care and clean up. The engineering on the Tamiya Corsair I'm building at the moment is magnificent down to thoughtful positioning of sprue attachment points and ejector pin marks - makes life a lot easier!
You brought back bad memories talking about cleaning up those props Terry. I spent an endless time cleaning up the ones from my Stirling but at least none of them broke.
Yep, it was a delay I could have done without. The one that was broken, was still on the sprue, with the blade detached at the prop hub.

Didn't get any more done last night, due to stiff hands and wrists, but it's almost done now, with the windows glazed, and the exhausts painted and fitted. Just got to attach the undercart, then fit the vac-formed nose glazing, before attaching the final fiddly bits.
Should have pics later tonight.

EDIT:- Further slight delay, as I need to sort out some servicing on the 'Tin Tent'. Pics should be up by tomorrow though.
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Thanks Hugh.

It's now finished, although I need to re-attach the clear nose cone, as I knocked it off when I nearly dropped the model - darned stiff hands !
Can't post pics, as I'm on the lap top at the moment, due to a 'net connection problem for the past two days. Pics as soon as it's sorted.
Still not got proper 'net connection - seems it's a problem with the 'T-Mobile' system, affecting around 8,000 users, and not yet rectified.
However, I've managed to get on the forum on my 'desk top' computer, using a very slow connection via I.E., so I'll attempt to post some pics, and hope they show up.
The model is finished, apart from a couple of areas needing a slight re-touching here and there.
The pitot tube masts were adapted from the chunky kit part, and re-positioned in their staggered locations, slightly further aft than on the Mk.1, but small items such as the pitot tubes themselves (originally intended to be added from stretched sprue), and the (over scale) Lorenz antenna have been deliberately omitted, as it's very doubtful they would survive being transported. Likewise, I refrained from scratch-building and fitting the Rebecca aerials on the nose.
As far as models go, this is certainly not up to even my lowest standards, and if I had to score this, I'd maybe give it 5 out of 10, perhaps 6 out of 10 at a push.
But, as it is only required as a 'representative' model, in order that one of each type of aircraft flown by the Squadron can be displayed on the tables at the reunion dinner, and considering some of the models the Squadron Association already have are either plain, 'solid' silver, or carved, varnished wood, it should serve its purpose. If it survives the event, I'll be quite surprised !!
First pic shows the original Airfix kit part for the twin pitot heads, whilst the rest show the finished model.

Now it's time to start on the 1/48th scale Meteor NF.12, with only just over four weeks in which to get it done, and delivered with the other models. Whether I can manage to also 'cram in' the 1/72nd scale Meteor NF.14 is open to speculation ...........

Thanks chaps.
It's certainly no beauty, but hopefully it'll look OK on the table. This is the one I knew would take time, and I didn't really want to tackle it, given the fairly short deadline - had I had more time to spend on it, a much better model would have been produced.
However, as the oldest 46 Squadron Association member who will be attending the dinner is a former Stirling pilot, an elderly gentleman making the trip from Scotland, I felt that this is one that must be done, even if it is fairly basic. As Dougie Barr commented, even a WW2 example, basic or rough as necessary, would be better than nothing !
I'm just hoping that I can get the Meteor done to something closer to my usual standard, and hopefully get the second Meteor done in time too.
Thanks again to all for your interest and encouragement, and I should be back very soon with the first stages of the Meteor build.
Thanks very much chaps !
After sending a few pics to Dougie, he replied expressing his thanks, and thought the model was 'bl**dy marvellous', adding that he's sure the Association members will think so too.
So, even though I don't think much of it, that'll do for me !

Just finished a long 'prep' session on the Meteor NF.12 - pics to be posted in that thread forthwith.

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