some F35 info (1 Viewer)

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I think this discussion about the effectiveness of the F-35 is like debating the existence of God, by the time you find out the correct answer it is way too late to change your point of view.

That being going to war with it.

Here's a great blog written a few years ago that gives IMO a fair assessment of the aircraft with regards to Canada's purchase of their CF-35s. Things have changed a bit but for the most part intelligentally spells out what this aircraft can and can't do. It's worth the reading, especially for the "uninformed."

American Innovation: Canada and the F-35
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Good stuff FB but what I was saying that facts play little part in the discussion, I think it is a great A/C but it will need a war not a conflict to answer the question.
so i have a question for those guys working in the program. Our DOD propaganda is saying deliveries are expected to begin 2018, with completion of our order 2023. Does that line up with whats happening inside the company?

Last I heard yes they are still on time.

I did find this,
F-35D+ to Feature Titanium Bathtub and GAU-8 Avenger | The Tactical Air Network

Figured I would give you guys a sneak peek at what is new in the F-35 world, before Syscom sees it on yahoo and reports that it is real. BTW, Happy April Fools everyone.
Actually, the F-35D is unmanned...the titanium bathtub is for the pilot to have a nice relaxing soak and play with his (or her!) loofah while the aircraft autonomously spreads death and destruction in its wake. Program costs will still spiral out of control due to increased demand for post-traumatic stress treatments as the pilots are subjected to a never-ending stream of "Where's the soap?" jokes.

This is so...English. Only the Poms would have a bath to relax in ....
Im here. Just shaking my head in amazement in how you've come under the spell of the schitzo fighter.

The only "schitzo" here is the one that believes yahoo news, drinks the cool aid of the ignorant and anti-military news media, quotes 8 year old news articles and can't accept that the F-35 is becoming operational in months. I could think of more words than schitzo but I'm trying to be patient with the uninformed...

In the mean time...

1,000th F-35 training sortie flown at Luke AFB > U.S. Air Force > Article Display

"I'm extremely proud of the extraordinary work our maintainers are doing to ensure our pilots have mission-ready and safe jets," Pleus said. "The F-35 is going to be the backbone of the Air Force's fighter fleet for decades to come and Luke will play a vital role in producing the world's greatest, most lethal F-35 pilots. With initial operational capability scheduled to occur late next year, it's important that we get our training program and process dialed in and as efficient and refined as our F-16 training program is, so we can help meet the Air Force's scheduled goal."
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Im here. Just shaking my head in amazement in how you've come under the spell of the schitzo fighter.

Under the spell?

Please show me one post to justify this absurd claim. Please walk the talk sys.

I'm shaking my head in utter amazement in how you are going to argue with someone who obviously has more know how on the project than you ever will. He is working on it.

I think I know what really is schitzo here...
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I think it's spelled t-r-o-l-l. Sorry but it seems like Sys is just trying to wind people up. He isn't providing any substantive evidence to back up his claims, just repeating the same stuff over and over again.

I'm kindda done with this thread - it isn't going to improve and the naysayers aren't going to be silenced. I still reckon the F-35B is a huge waste of resources but the A and C models will be highly capable and around for a very long time.

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