Sydney Scale Model Show 2012

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Nice ones! Cool cars, always liked the Ducati 900SS! 8)

Awesome dios, but, is it just me, or are those helmets in the winter dio too clean, compared to the rest of the camouflage?
They do look rather clean and uniform, as does the vehicle. Pretty good overall though. The Mustang diorama is very good too, though a tad cluttered and unclear what's happening, plus a mix of drop tank types. Wonder what scale it is - 1/48th or 1/32nd?
I'm sure it was 1/48th Terry.

***A few more Military


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Good stuff. The first one made me pause - many years ago, at at IPMS comp, I entered a 1/32nd scale Arnhem diorama, and was very highly criticised for including a 'casualty', which was all part of an actual event in the battle. Apparently dead and wounded weren't 'acceptable elements' .......
Was that Before Arnold's movies Terry?????
***End of the armor, a couple of cars, and dios.
Have more choppas and planes.


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That first (decaying) car is extremely well done - maybe that rear tyre could look a little more rotten, but an excellent representation overall.
Excellent paint job on the second car, although not my sort of 'thing'.
Not sure what's happening in the other two, although I presume the last one depicts German troops emerging from the sewers, maybe at Stalingrad?

I was talking with the bloke what did it.... he did it as a lark.
More, getting close to the end of my efforts.
How many remember the Batmobile???????


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The bat mobile does not look like a model. It looks just like what I received for Christmas when I was about 4yo and it was a toy, not a kit.

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