Tamiya 1/48 P-51B Build

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Best I can come up with...Princess Elizabeth !

I'll keep looking through my '51 catalogues and see whatever else I can dig up


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Absolutely BEAUTIFUL pic, Gary! Man, what a beautiful plane.

Cheers dude, hope its useful ?

Its a crop from a shot I took at the GOML2007 event (Awesome !!). If its any use to you, pm me your email addy and I can send the full size shot so you can zoom in easier. I've got some other pics of PE but the undercart isnt so well shown

And I know its not a B, but here's a close up...ish..of a D Model at GOML....might help with colours for the Nose Art ?


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Hey, All,
Well, progress continues with the build. Repainted and futured. I have been decaling my brians out the last couple of nights. I should finish up the decal work by tomorrow night. Then a coat of flat in preparation for the weathering work. I will keep the weathering light and subtle. Same for the panel lines. I am also hoping to finish the landing gear assemblies tomorrow night as well. I am doing the brake lines now. Talk about tedious. But, again, progress. If I get lucky, I may get the final coat on by Sunday evening. I'll post photos tomorrow night. Thanks to all of you for comments, pics, tips, ideas, and kicks in the arse as needed. I sure am glad I found the forum.
Hey, All,
Here are a couple of shots of the refinished '51. I have the landing gear done as well. I did add brake lines and did the mylar tape wrap thing on the oleos. Over all, I am happy with the gear and the recovery from the Flat Base debacle I inflicted on myself. I am trying to get the ratio of FB to Future to get me a nice flat finish for the next phase of weathering. I have several test shots done and waiting for them to dry. The earlier mixes I did just did not have a flat enough finish after a day or 3 of curing. I hope to have that nailed tonight and that finish shot. Hope to start weathering Monday.
Landing Gear.JPG
New Finish1.JPG

Below is a photo a good friend of mine sent along. This is close in shot of the gear leg of a restored P-51C giving me good idea of the brake line routing. Don had TONS of aircraft photos from various museums and air shows. He has given me the ok to post any of them here as long as he gets credit. So, feel free to PM me if you need any pics, I'll ask Don and post what he may have for you all.
P-51C Left gear leg brake line.jpg

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Good stuff Dale. Just one point concerning the wheels - as far as I know, only the outer (spoked) face was painted red, with the inner face, where the brakes are, in bare metal. This would make sense, as otherwise the wheel would need to be removed, and the brake assembly too, to paint the non-primed steel surface of the wheel hub. Maybe a thin, dark wash into the 'holes' between the spokes would help too, as in 'real life', these were hollow, allowing the opposite face of the wheel hub to be seen.
Hey, Terry,
Thank you for the feedback. I was not 100% sure on the outer wheels. That will be a fairly easy fixed.
Good Evening, All,
Damn, I had forgotten all those niggling details involved in finishing a bird. But, she is down to the antenna line. I present to you all Shangri-La in 1/48th scale. As always, comments and feedback are most welcome. AND, any tips on the antenna line. I do have a spool of the invisible thread I plan on using.
I will write a lessons learned more for the newer folks, but also for me. I'll try to get that done this week.And, I would LOVE any feedback from you all in the post mortem.
Back to the Dora by mid week. I need to catch up with all the work the Dora guys have done.
PS, thanks for the clarity, Andy. Just kinda threw me. Still getting to know all you guys.

Shangri-La 1 of 4.JPG
Shangri-La 2 of 4.JPG
Shangri-La 3 of 4.JPG
Shangri-La 4 of 4.JPG
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