Airman 1st Class
Hi folks,
whilst the family were away at the Olympics this weekend I wanted something quick to throw together and this was just the job. It also identified which of my masking tapes were perishable and needed replacing after not being used for a while.
Starting from here - a quick bit of background, there's a lot of fascinating background on this beast, and some reference pics (from Wikipedia), mostly in very grainy B&W
Here's the box:
And contents - not a lot to the kit, but it only cost me £4 and provided ample entertainment for that price
The trolley goes together really quickly:
The fuselage, likewise, it's a good fit with some fine detailing, minimal sanding needed afterwards:
Within a few minutes you have a passable Vengeance weapon:
Which you can then paint a pretty blue colour (RLM65 but could equally well be RLM76):
Wasn't sure about the trolley so I stuck to RLM02, probably wrong (I do have another of these kits to correct the mistakes of the first):
Bit of dodgy masking and upper fuselage colour (RLM71 is what I plumped for here):
Referred back to my pics of Kermit Weeks' V1 at Fantasy of Flight in Florida:
Then a few decals (quite a few actually), a little shading and some matting and voila!
That's it. Just working on a Bf109E1-B - more on that when ready.
whilst the family were away at the Olympics this weekend I wanted something quick to throw together and this was just the job. It also identified which of my masking tapes were perishable and needed replacing after not being used for a while.
Starting from here - a quick bit of background, there's a lot of fascinating background on this beast, and some reference pics (from Wikipedia), mostly in very grainy B&W
Here's the box:
The instructions (such as they are):
And contents - not a lot to the kit, but it only cost me £4 and provided ample entertainment for that price
The trolley goes together really quickly:
The fuselage, likewise, it's a good fit with some fine detailing, minimal sanding needed afterwards:
Within a few minutes you have a passable Vengeance weapon:
Which you can then paint a pretty blue colour (RLM65 but could equally well be RLM76):
Wasn't sure about the trolley so I stuck to RLM02, probably wrong (I do have another of these kits to correct the mistakes of the first):
Bit of dodgy masking and upper fuselage colour (RLM71 is what I plumped for here):
Referred back to my pics of Kermit Weeks' V1 at Fantasy of Flight in Florida:
Then a few decals (quite a few actually), a little shading and some matting and voila!
That's it. Just working on a Bf109E1-B - more on that when ready.