Terrafugia's Flying Car Gets FAA Clearance

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I dunno man, that thing looks like it flys as well as a set of car keys.

No power (well not enough to speak of)
Flys like a Gooney Bird (ass backwards)

How do they stall test it? Spin test (HINT: Don't even think of spinning this thing-looks like it takes to flat spins like a duck takes to water).

It's a neat idea, I like the concept. But the actual flying of the thing I'd leave until it's been in the air for 10 years and the ADs are all out there.

Does it have a built in parachute like the Cirrus? Solve a LOT of problems if it did.
Nice to see it airborne, and it's certainly interesating. I agree about the looks of it though; although fairly attractive, the stubby wings don't exactly shout 'satability'.
Did you notice the name on the fuel pump in the pic? Wonder if that's an omen!!

Saw the vid, does not get up very fast. Gotta wonder what kind of power the thing has. When you get in trouble, you want bags of power to go where you want to go.

Was wondering about the inside and they have a vid about the cockpit. Still in design phase. Looks functional.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v--JQYCe2OE

It seems the whole idea is something of a Model T compared with a modern SUV. The Model T got it all done, but it hadn't been refined to the level of today's cars. This thing looks like it's the first exploration in a method of travel that might have possibilities.

But honestly, I don't want to fly one. Looks underpowered, ungainly and, I dunno, just off.
Lands Straight Ahead

Looses Significant Airspeed

Liability Since Airborne

Lost Since Airborne

Least Secure Aircraft

Lacking Safety Accountability

Lift Seeking Airspeed
Those aren't seatbelts, they are post accident litmus strips for flesh detection. They are used in conjunction with the sign in the trunk.

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