The Amercian Air Museum

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...Looks like they have them packed in there like sardines.

That was my thought also. Maybe it would be better if they were displayed in some larger area. This way you can't get a good lock on entire plane. However, it is an impressive collection and photos are great too. Thanks for sharing Gary.
Nice shots!..

It's great to great see American aircraft represented over so many decades all in one place. I like the paint scheme on the B-25. IMO too many restored ones go overboard with the nose art. It's a pleasure to see a nice, clean, mean looking B-25 in blue (PBJ-1?)

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The main hanger at Duxford is just as crowded with a number of aircraft hanging from the ceiling. For those who have not been there it does take a couple of days to do see everything and there is a good sized land hall with tanks, guns and various pieces of hardware.
First of all a thanks to Gary for letting me add a couple of shots. One of these is the outside of the American Hall which I believe to be a very stylish construction that has won a number of awards.


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  • Dakota Duxford US Air Hall.jpg
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  • T33 US Hanger.jpg
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Thanks for the pictures guys! Looks like a great collection. It is nice to be able to get up close and personal with the planes! Looks like with a very diverse collection featuring many great aircraft through the years. Love the SR71. I never appreciated how big they are until I went to the SAC museum! At the SAC museum, you walk under a "banking" SR71 to go into the main hangar!

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