The creepy crawly thread.....

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This is what we call a buffalo ant... except its not really an ant but a wingless female wasp. I usually find these walking around in the mountains in California. It's really a red velvet ant also known as a cow killer ant. The name cow killer ant came from those who have been stung by one of these. They say it hurts so much it could kill a cow hence the name.


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RA, enlightenment is the name of the game here, Rostrum is the beak or point, as in the speaker mounts the rostrum and labium is lip singular while labia is plural.
Wayne, neat pictures, i initially thought it was a Gila monster then i saw where you are from. In the US this is a skink which is a primitive type of lizard closely related to snakes. the legs are straight out from the body not under it.
2. 3. a legless skink (lizard) called a glass snake.
nightfighter, i knew about these but we have none of them here in the midwest
the business end of a red velvet ant


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No one has done a creepy in a while so how about a non-creepy but a definite crawlie. the very pretty Blue-ringed Octopus.
About the size of a golf ball it is one of the most poisonous animals on earth, it has two poison glands (salivary glands containing bacteria) one is for hunting and does not affect humans, the second contains enough toxin to kill 26 humans. Found in shallow sandy areas or tidal pools throughout the western pacific, Australia to Japan. It blends into its surroundings until disturbed when it turn bright yellow with electric blue rings. it is often stepped on by people walking along the shallows. it then bites with a small beak and injects saliva containing a tetrodotoxin just like the Puffer Fish. the bite is very minor, barely breaks the skin but within minutes all motor muscles become paralyzed breathing stops followed by cardiac arrest, and death. The victim however remains totally conscious and alert since only motor muscles are affected. Rescuers often start CPR but give up after several minutes when the victim does not respond. the victim is alert through the entire process but has no way to respond. The body does metabolize the toxin in about 24hours and recovery is complete provided respiratory and cardiac function are maintained


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GrauGeist, the electric blue rings and yellow are defensive warnings, like a rattlesnake rattleing. most of the time they are a dun yellow matching their backround
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The Sydney Funnel-Web one of the three most poisonous spiders responsible for 27 deaths in Australia in the past 100 years. their range is limited to a 62mi (100km) radius of Sydney. It is a highly aggressive spider, 1 to 3 inches in size, which aggressively attacks at the slightest provocation biting multiple times. Females build funnel-shaped webs. the males wander freely during the summer looking for females. They are attracted to water and often fall into swimming pools where they can survive for over 24 hours and will attack and bite if removed. their venom contains atraxotoxin which is highly poisonous to primates. the venom is highly acidic so bites are very painful within 15-20 minutes the victim is agitated, confused, followed by coma. death occurs due to hypotension and increasing cranial pressure as the brain swells. an antitoxin is available


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