The Food Thread (1 Viewer)

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75% of it went in the bin this morning :(
You are kidding.
3 pic whats that ? and dibbs on row 1 from my love.. . Which is a big compliment as she has a sweet tooth but is quite sporty, so she wont. I think. Yes she will. It looks nice and tasty.

Disclaimer.. i never said this. Ever.
You are kidding.
3 pic whats that ? and dibbs on row 1 from my love.. . Which is a big compliment as she has a sweet tooth but is quite sporty, so she wont. I think. Yes she will. It looks nice and tasty.

Disclaimer.. i never said this. Ever.
nope !

the usual, order too much food to show off a bit to your friends and family.

i originally produced a more formal 3 course menu for him ( the hotel group owner ) but he wanted a show off buffet.

he has a few hotels to choose from but came to us because he knew the General Manager and I would be able to give him the wow he wanted, though this can be a compliment and a curse as now he will always come to us !
Went to Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen with the wife tonight.


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