The Person Below Me (TPBM) Pt. III

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thats what flyboy told me! :lol: (the one with the kitten avatar, not flyboyJ)

We fly sims because we love warbirds. We don't love warbirds because we fly sims.

TPBM still has the Pong game.
Indeed I do. Rode 25kms the other night, mix of mountain and road work.

TPBM owns a large screen television..............
Yep. 54" Sony projection TV, but the dang thing isn't working too well and it's going to cost $400 to fix. But that's a bunch cheaper than buying a new one.

TPBM has a plasma/LCD TV.
Google tells me (Captain) W.E. Johns was an author of childrens books who
died in 1968. The Biggles books was but one catagory.... Unfortunately
(for me) I have never read them.

TPBM watched the recovery of the B-25C on the Discovery channel, last
night. (Good show !)

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