The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Clashed with Thor again , we must stop meeting like thai :)
TPBM easy life or hard day at the office
Yep, he sure is. But he never likes any of the things I tell you guys I'm cooking for dinner;) This weekend it will be BBQ'ed pork, shredded and made into sandwiches. Two kinds of homemade sauce, Regular Tomato based, and Spicy Vinegar-Mustard Sauce.

TPBM mouth is watering just thinking about me weekend dinner.
Yep, Morels particularly. It's getting about time for them to start sproutnig up in the woods too. Have to keep an eye out while Turkey hunting in a week.

TPBM brews thier own Beer.

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