The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Bon Jour, Mon Ami....

If you can call a US Navy liberty boat a "speedo launch", than I can answer
yes to that.

TPBM has big plans for the week-end...

I'm driving my 270 Horsepower-Gas guzzling Chevy Silverado up North with the smoker in the back end. Going to smoke up a couple pork butts to make pulled pork sandwiches for some friends. Going to make a whole bunch of clamps for building my new guitar.

TPBM doesn't think that sounds too exciting?
Clashed with Mon Ami

You are correct... have no interest in musical instruments...

That's what I like about you, Bucky.... you're always smokin' something !
Sounds like fun..... if you're into that sort of thing...

TPBM wants to join Bucky for a ride up north to smoke something.

Nope, but I am a lefty. Marcel, I'll give you regular updates on the Guitar Build via e-mails. Probably start glueing thinds togetehr next week after I get a bunch of clamps and cauls built up.

TPBM is going fishing this weekend.
Nope, going to cut the lawn and do things around the outside of the house.
Maybe even work on the Stuka !!

TPBM has the same problem.... cut the lawn and work around the house..

I just finished cleaning the house.....still more to do outside.....there goes my Saturday :lol:

TPBM likes 'shred' guitar............

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