The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Never had a whats. Are they any good? Do you put mustard on them or eat them in a pita?

No, we never did mothers day due to the fact that you should show everyday how you love them and not just go out of your way for one day, but we did go out for lunch, me, my mom and my step mom.

TPBM loves someone dearly and do not know how to approach the situation without ruining everything.
Not me chum , with one of those how can U hide from the boss , wife , kids or any-one else :)
TPBM CD or vinyl
Well, it's a creature with 8 big hairy legs and 8 eyes and it'll eat you alive. It will wait behind your car and jump on the vehicle when you drive away. It'll crush the car by sheer weight and then suc your brain out...

TPBM thinks I've lost it.
More like that you've been smoking something that's been waaaayyyyy past the use before date....:lol:

If the universe is expanding, WHAT are we expanding in....?

TPBM will tell us what they think....

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