The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yup, almost broke my modem supplied by the crappy internet supplier, I hate them and when I saw the other websites work I calmed down.

TPBM started thinking of ideas of getting the site back online.
Yes, when I am highly pissed off, do not touch me I will kick the living sh*t out of you. If my feet stay dry I am happy the rest of my body can get wet as hell.

TPBM hate to fight.
You would be very hard pressed to find a "woods" (i.e. forrest) in this neck
of the woods. Too much construction....

TPBM wants a nice condo on the beach...

Yep, going to try to build some jigs and clamps to aid in the guitar building project. Also have to get a bunch of stuff ready for next weekends Bow (Archery) building gathering.

TPBM would like to own an all original Winchester made M1 Garand Rifle.

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